pimpmonkey2382.313: The gurps vampire seems quite a bit like the original I was quite impressed by that and that it was an old product
As far as I know, it's just a rule set adaptation.
The interesting thing about those games was not the game's system (which wasn't that great to be honest) but the lore.
CarrionCrow: They won't be. Or at least, they won't be offering the 20th anniversary editions for years. Not on Bundle of Holding, anyway.
From what I've read about it, they took out the more overt tickling clock, everything's going to end vibe, changed the pacing so everything's still headed that way, but it's more gradual.
On a mechanical level, they revamped and cleaned up the rules that got harder and harder to mesh together as the world sprawled into all the different corebooks, supplementals, all that crap.
Makes sense.
Oh yes, that's something that needed to be done, and it's quite welcome.
Back in the day, when making a 3D model with actual fingers was still thought of as futuristic sci-fi, we noticed a pattern in every new rule, source and lore book that came out. Something we dubbed "the white wolf syndrome". Which could be described as this.
Every new clan, tribes and/or sourcebook that White Wolf put out, came with such overpowered abilities and game-breaking expanded rule sets that it instantly beat everything else, crowning itself king of the munchkins.
Until the next sourcebook at least.