EndreWhiteMane: Morning boys and girls, glad everyone seems at least OK or better today.
I'm not as OK as I'd like so I'm about to get ready for couple of doctors appointments. Hopefully I'll be just dandy peachy keen and swell shortly. :-)
*hugs, waves and shampoo all around*
Ho... good luck with your appointments marathon, Endre... Hope they'll manage to get you much better !
**Big owly hug with shampoo in the eyes ,¤__¤,,,**
Yezemin: That would be the advanced version. :P
Also: *big owl hugs*
You're right, we'd need several levels... according to our different bankrupting levels ;-p
**Big silly hug back**
EndreWhiteMane: The "Wailing Wallet" has a nice ring to it.
Haha n__n I just imagined that one... awesome !... I can almost see it running in circles... poor wallet.
superstande: Happy After-Mornings and Pre-Evenings!
Had some cool couscous with soya sauce and some kind of buttery mixture... That was super nice!
Even my wife ate some - usually an impossible occurence :)
*shares couscous with soya and butter*
Sorry, soup this time! :P
oh, to answer Agent's question: (is it still relevant?) ... I'm interested in Broken Age. That seems like a nice deal.
The rest seems a bit too dark for me... Underrail is something I can recommend... but only if one is not too disturbed by that slightly depressing post-apocalyptic world... It's a cool game, but a dark game :)
Couscous soup ?... õ__ô
**Hugs SoupStand**
How are you doing, apart from being stuffed with delicious food ? :)