GreenDamsel: All I want is a turn-based RPG, which has enough end game content to not bore me after the story (Think Weapons in FF7 or Black Anima in FF10)
8 hours of train-travelling yesterday have taught me that I really really really want that.
toxicTom: After the story? So like... open world game?
EndreWhiteMane: Any comments on Edna and Harvey? Fun, creepy, both?
I don't mind scary games but creepy doesn't go well with my anxiety issues. :/
toxicTom: Um. Adult cartoony weird. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest weird, at least the first, never played the second one.
Definitely not for kids, I really like the writing, although I do not know how the translation comes across. Only played the original German.
Not really open world. In the FF series and similar games (Bravely Default) There are some additional challenging encounters that you can do optionally. Basically it's just another goal to grind forward. In FF7 there were 4(?) super enemies that you needed to lvl up a lot for. But man was it satisfying to finally beat them.
Basically it's something I really enjoy: To be able to continue playing with the characters I grew attached to even after the story.