EndreWhiteMane: Sorry you're so cold but glad you're at least OK.
I have some meds that make me cold and others make me feel like my face is on fire.
Side effects suck.
Yeah, they do... (un)fortunately the medication is helping quite well, so I need to decide which is worse, the side effects or the original problem. It's a really close one, to be honest :-p
moonshineshadow: To be honest, I don't own a Tetris games and also no Tropico :D
Terraria is finished for me, only play it in our multiplayer sessions.
Tongue exercises? Hmm.. the only you told about above is way too easy so that is out :P
Typing memoirs? I don't think enough interesting stuff happened to fill even a thin book ;-)
Tea is nice, but I don't see how it helps against being bored.
Yep, so that leaves talking to Fred, why do you think I checked to see if the thread was still alive ;-)
*big hug*
You've finished Terraria? I think I'm the only one who isn't in hardmode yet playing by themselves. I gotta catch up! :-o
Your memoirs for today would probably be longer than mine for the last two years :-p
*big anti-boredom return hug*
FearfulSymmetry: Oh no my dear Agent, you've got it all backwards! That problem can't be solved with excercise. Whether or not you can roll your tongue is determined genetically. If you can't do it you can never learn it. :P
I suppose we could put in tongue twisters as an alternative? ;)
I kinda figured. Well, I'm happy to be one of "the chosen" who can do it :-Þ
Sea shells she sells by the she shore... dammit, I'm bad at tongue twisters >__o