FearfulSymmetry: Yep, definitely. I've tried to delay things as much as possible but I've reached the point where I have to pick them up again or really fall too far behind. :| Haha, if he can burn all my responsibilities to the ground it might be nice. And my flu. :P
*all the hugs*
Well if you ever need to talk or vent you know where we are, either on here or via chat.
So is that a go ahead for Agent to try to burn everything in case it helps? :-)
*extra hugs I found under a cushion since Fearful already gave all the regular hugs*
CarrionCrow: It'd be nice if it could just be considered a loss, then moved on from. But I'm thinking that Gearbox will be trotting out more embarrassing games for a while to make up for the cost in acquiring the license.
No, even the third game's main character, nameless space marine with no personality though they were, had a visible face. Bethesda's gone full generic nothing character on this one.
Would agree there. People have to cope with a distorted, ultimately corrupt and broken system that cares not one single bit for their health, well-being or sanity.
I think all the big companies seem to be doing that. Wasn't it Gearbox who lied about their Alien game and used pre-rendered scenes and claimed it was gameplay? Strange really, over here in the UK that would be illegal due to false advertising and mis-representation of goods.
I was thinking more of the armour type. The original game just looked like a human in a uniform, this new one looks like some deformed monster.
Yes, and sadly not something that will be changing anytime soon considering the new laws and things that keep getting passed to ensure more power for those up top.
AgentBirdnest: ô__ô I didn't know! But I do know that the guy who played Murphy ended up as an Ancient History professor at a university :-)
Speaking of silly names... It cracks me up when I hire an alien named "Debbie" in FTL (this just happened.) I'd have thought something like Glorznak would be more fitting, but I guess Debbie isn't bad :-)
Did he really, I never knew that.
You didn't know that Debbie was a popular alien name? It is up there with Justin and Miley. Although those two names usually go to really horrible aliens. ;-)