Posted February 08, 2016

Yeah, I could have sworn I was giving you a blanket and soup just a couple of months ago. Hopefully this doesn't become a trend. I don't want to have to give you any more blankets!! >:-p (Hihihi, that sounds so mean...)
Yes... the atmosphere just works for me. From the art style, to the music, to the street slang. Even little things like the character's names. And the way that the dialog narration is written is quite good. It really gets me immersed in the world.
Haha, yes. :P Let's abolish this tradition right now! Go away flu, you're not wanted!
I agree, I really enjoy these games. I only found out about them after the director's cut for Dragonfall was released, but I enjoyed the first two games so much I did immediately back the Hong Kong kickstarter. I felt like Harebrained Schemes had earned my trust on this one. :P

You're very welcome. Trying to get work done while you're feeling badly on more than one level can't be much fun.
Are tasers legal for personal use in the Netherlands? Not saying you should zap students outright, but it might be useful just in case...;)
I have been "playing" Duke Nukem Forever. I put playing in air quotes since "playing" it certainly doesn't feel playful, it damn sure isn't fun and I just want it to end. Think I have about two and a half levels and that reeking example of why some things shouldn't be resurrected will be done. (Aside from the DLC, because I am an idiot and actually purchased it.)
Beyond that, I've got over 15 percent of my library loaded up, figure I'll pick out something that's actually good.
I'm not sure actually. *googles* Uh, Google seems to say it's not allowed and that there's a reasonably hefty fine on carrying one. I admit I only know of police carrying them here in the Netherlands. Either way, doing something like that would probably not make my examiners happy, appealing as the idea might be. ;)
Auch, good luck with that one. Can't say it's a game that ever really appealed to me, and judging by this I think I'll stay away from it. :P And yep, might be a good idea to play something fun every once in a while. Give your nerves a break and such. :)
Post edited February 08, 2016 by FearfulSymmetry