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ElTerprise: Yep. \o/
*big return hug*
What do you think about the new release? Looks interesting but i'd like know more about because Dungeon Keeper + Dwarf Fortress + Terraria sounds like one hell of a combination :)
Interesting, but... it seems to be a mobile port, which turns me off. And the price is also a turn off (especially considering the mobile version is $5)... :-|
AgentBirdnest: Interesting, but... it seems to be a mobile port, which turns me off. And the price is also a turn off (especially considering the mobile version is $5)... :-|
It is? I thought it would be the other way round after i read some reviews on the App Store....and mobile ports tend be cheaper ...think it's the same with Terraria which costs around 6€ at the Play store....
Well, I got the expansion for Civilization: Beyond Earth and the Humble Monthly. It will be interesting to see what comes of that this Friday. :-)
Good evening everybody!

nothing new on my end; I've been doing some work, got my mind of things a bit...

A cat doing wacky stuff in your direct surroundings is also a great catalyst for improving your mood :D

*many hugs, settles in with a cup 'o mint tea, made with natural plants*
ElTerprise: It is? I thought it would be the other way round after i read some reviews on the App Store....and mobile ports tend be cheaper ...think it's the same with Terraria which costs around 6€ at the Play store....
Well, the top review over on the competition says that the crafting menu seems designed for touchscreens, no key bindings, and even a dwarf in the loading screen is holding an iPad :-p ... I didn't read any reviews beyond that.
EndreWhiteMane: Well, I got the expansion for Civilization: Beyond Earth and the Humble Monthly. It will be interesting to see what comes of that this Friday. :-)
Hello Endre! :)

I've heard a lot of mixed things about that game on release, but I haven't really followed it at all since then; pray, is it a pleasant game? (always looking for some new empire management/4x games)
AgentBirdnest: Well, the top review over on the competition says that the crafting menu seems designed for touchscreens, no key bindings, and even a dwarf in the loading screen is holding an iPad :-p ... I didn't read any reviews beyond that.
Yep...actually didn't really read those...jumped onto the wiki and some stuff on the steam community hub...the touch focus would explain the rather big UI...think i should watch some footage of it at some point....
Good afternoon! :)

Just dropped in to say hi to all of you :)

Here watching some movies! :)
EndreWhiteMane: Well, I got the expansion for Civilization: Beyond Earth and the Humble Monthly. It will be interesting to see what comes of that this Friday. :-)
Hey Endre :)
Still thinking about the Monthly....because of Alien...
Good moaning.

Finished classes, bought a book I will only ever read/use once in my foreseeable future. And came back here.

I'm plotting an evil scheme to get back at Crow. But don't tell him.
The Cadiz Carnival finals are on TV. I think I might watch it.
EndreWhiteMane: Well, I got the expansion for Civilization: Beyond Earth and the Humble Monthly. It will be interesting to see what comes of that this Friday. :-)
Had a look at the current bundle, I let go of the former one. But I think I might get this one just for Grow Home.

I'm an idiot though, the civ games in the last one were worth it.

PS: Just noticed that the Rayman Origins offered in the bundle is not even a steam key.
Uplay go frag uself
Post edited February 03, 2016 by j0ekerr
j0ekerr: You should know, it's all your fault. We should blame you for everything instead of ElT.

Santa Monica. I was eight, didn't know the language and everything felt like a magical wonderland, up to and including the happy meal toys, the three visits to Disneyland didn't hurt that impression either.

But I've always been weirded out by the "sunny california" meme. I thought the weather was pretty much the same as back home, milder in fact.
And you go stand in a corner and think about what you've done...
And quit mumbling "worth it!"

Do +1 the Crow folks, He must be reminded that no evil deed goes unrewarded.
Yeah...probably. But people seem to keep latching onto a nice guy, rather than noticing me, so I'll run with it, chalking the whole thing up to good luck.

Eight's a good age. Kids don't usually pick up on all the ugliness of a place until they're a bit older.
(Which of course is why you were so happy going to Disneyland 3 times...)

That idea is based around a delusion that's reinforced by people's obliviousness. Of course it strikes you as similar, there are other places on the planet than the U.S. to compare experiences to.

Honestly? I'm pretty sure I mumbled, "I can't believe I'm giving those fuckwits any amount of money at all."
ddickinson: But GOG has not really had a spotless record when it comes to the quality of their service or the games they host. Like I said, some games are/were broken for quite some time, yet GOG continued to sell the game. They made it clear that there is no guarantee the in development games will ever be releases. I would think GOG can get away with a few screw ups when you compare them to the amount Steam has had over early access. I guess time will tell, I just hope these early access games don't effect the amount of older and full release games we get. If it is an addition then great, but if it starts to effect the main store then that is not so good.

I have never understood fanboys. I mean I like GOG as a service, but I am not blind to how they behave and the lack of quality with some things. I tend to stick to games from GOG as I don't like Steam, I have bought a few DRM free games from Humble if they are not here, but if they are here I tend to wait for a sale to get them here as I do like GOG on the whole and I like my games all in one place. I do hope early access will work out for GOG, and that they keep it curated and perhaps it if works well it will bring more customers and could possibly make Steam improve a few things, which I doubt, Steam is too large at the moment to care.

Let's see if other early access developers do the same and start to put paywalls up. It just seem ridiculous to go early access then charge again for the service early access is supposed to provide. But that is not the greediest thing I have seen in gaming, if nothing else they are getting worse for their greed in the gaming industry.

Steam is probably what, 90% of the market, 80% minimum? As long as they have such a market share they won't care. Too many gamers are happy with Steam and their service, which is fine, I am not hating on anyone that likes Steam, but it would be nice to see them improve their service, and of course, get rid of all that DRM. :-)

I always think of Kickstarter as an investment, so there is more of a risk with that. But early access seemed a little different, there is a product that is kind of done, it should just need a bit more investment and work. But more and more just release pre-alpha versions rather than beta or even full alpha.
Agreed, they've definitely messed up more than once, and I have no doubt that it'll happen again. That's just how things go. I've always gotten the feeling that the people at GOG generally give way more of a damn than those at Steam do, but mistakes still happen.

I also won't be surprised when an In-Dev game goes sideways and falls apart. It's always a possibility and GOG can't put a gun to their head, either literally or figuratively by way of binding contracts.
Sure, they could sue the hell out of a developer for breaching their contract, but what would they even get out of it, aside from the time, effort and legal fees involved?

If In-Dev does take priority, they'll end up seeing it in lower numbers. The probability of people purchasing full items versus incomplete ones with no idea when they'll be finished won't be favorable to that approach, I'm certain.

People love that feeling of being a part of the "best" thing. From pastimes like video games or sports, to supposedly more important topics like religion.
I used to be more bound to sticking with just one service, but I won't let that service tell me what I can play. So now I get stuff from Steam or Humble if it doesn't show up here.

If other alpha/beta developers go that route, it'll probably sour people on the whole concept that much faster. (Or at least, I hope that it will. Who knows with some people.)

I think they care in terms of GOG being their main competition. As such, I'm sure they consider what GOG's doing and how to counter it when it's convenient to do so.

To me, In-Dev/Early Access is as much gambling as Kickstarter, just with maybe slightly more favorable odds for the consumer.
I backed my first Kickstarter a few months ago, and that was only because of the team involved and what they're trying to resurrect. Even with that, I know it could all go wrong.
j0ekerr: Konami just felt that there's a lot more money to make from pachinko parlors. The development cost is merely a fraction of that of a videogame, and they get to exploit their old stablished IPs which means they don't have to invest a single dime in new designs. And think of all those bored gambling-addicted japanese constantly putting in quarters.
It's like an alcoholic dad pimping out his daughters.

As far as I know, the Wii-U is not a bad console itself, it's just that its gimmick didn't impress anyone.
Pretty much. Doesn't make their actions less obnoxious, but they are understandable.

I don't think it's bad, I just think Nintendo mismanaged it until it got tag teamed to shit by Sony and Microsoft.
Post edited February 03, 2016 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: Pretty much. Doesn't make their actions less obnoxious, but they are understandable.
No, not really. Nothing excuses a substance addled asshole yelling at his little girls "Where's my money bitch?!"
j0ekerr: No, not really. Nothing excuses a substance addled asshole yelling at his little girls "Where's my money bitch?!"
I can understand their reasoning. But, I don't accept it. I never will. Konami is now squarely on my list of "no way in hell am I buying their stuff" developers and publishers. But I understand it.
At that level, there's always the lowest road option, that option of fuck everybody but me, I don't care what happened before, or who helped, or who cares, I only care about ME. Konami has obviously embraced that.
Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all doing well?

Did any of you ever play the X-Files adventure game from 1998? The one with live action cutscenes? I just found the discs for mine and it seems to work quite well on Windows 7. It even allows for a full 7 disc install and after that no CD is required. I can't really remember if it is any good, but it will be worth a re-play sometime.

madth3: I thought being cynical was almost an obligation for english folks.

Sad to read you're having health issues. I hope is not that serious and that you'll be better soon.
Maybe, or maybe we are just more open about it. :-)

Thank you. I have been having health issues for many months now, sadly often it being near fatal. But hopefully I am on the mend now, still waiting for some results back to sort of confirm this, but I like to stay positive.

I hope you have been doing well and that the year is off to a nice start?

CarrionCrow: ...
I tend to agree, although the sense that GOG care is slowly eroding now due to the complete lack of communication. Although, part of me can understand. No one wants people being hostile when they are just the messenger, and the users do tend to get a bit passionate about some topics. Not that they should not, but I can understand how it might feel to staff being at the receiving end, especially when they are just the messengers, not the ones pulling the strings.

The method seems to be working well for Steam, you forger that younger games especially seem to love throwing money at silly things. But hopefully it is just what it appears to be, an additional service GOG offers that won't take away from their main service.

My reluctance to get games elsewhere is not really about loyalty to GOG, just me preferring things in one place and having a backlog so I can afford to wait for it to come here or go on sale here. But a few games I have got DRM-Free elsewhere. Some on Humble and some on Groupees. Namely Mind Path to Thalamus, Lifeless Planet, and Montagues Mount. All games that looked interesting, but that were usually too expensive here on GOG given my small interest in them. But seeing them for a few $s was a good deal. I also got a few games from Humble DRM-Free that are not on GOG, like Super Meat Boy. My only real stipulation is that the store is trustworthy, and offers the game DRM-Free. Other than that, while I prefer GOG, I would not do without over it, if I can get it elsewhere DRM-Free and I want it there and then then I will.

But gamers love to put up with crap from developers and publishers, if they didn't we would not have DRM and such horribel micro-transactions and bad DLCs. :-)

I agree that early access and Kickstarter are pretty much the same, I just meant that the mentality is a little different. One is paying for a work in progress, the other is investing in an idea.