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EndreWhiteMane: I've never done this and don't own the game but...........

Have you seen this thread:
and the
How to video:

I'd help if I could but with nothing to practice on it would be hard.
Thanks much for steering me in direction of that thread. Was a big help and with another response I received I was able to get things tweaked and working. Finally a fully working Quake since last I say at my PC in 97' Heh. Sending cookies made with love and bacon bits your way = )


Hope everyone got exactly what they asked the jolly man for. May the rest of the day/eve/night go well for all.
Merry baby Jesus day to those who celebrate and happy holidays to all.
-tips hat-
Post edited December 26, 2015 by dfektive
CarrionCrow: I still rent a bit. Between the companies who won't play ball with GOG and the games GOG inexplicably refuses to carry, I go with the alternative when I have to.

Yes, this chunk of net is worth being around for, I agree.

Dear gods...
Try to space that out so something doesn't rupture.
The last game I picked up on Steam fell into one of those categories. Tron 2.0. Was been on my wishlist for years. Hoped it might show up here, when we got Disney/Lucasfilm, but... (And no, I haven't actually played it yet :-p) ... Other than that, I don't really keep track of games outside GOG these days, due to a combination of a growing backlog, aging computer, spending massive amounts of time here, and just general changes of mood.

Good call. Spacing it all out over a week should be enough ;-) .... Nah, last year all the peanut butter lasted about 2 months. I'm only kinda stupid, not fully stupid.
ElTerprise: Sounds great... for me it is/was only my sister and my parents because having a Christmas with my Aunts/Uncles and Cousin wouldn't end well i think....

Yes...i tried to relax as well today - without basketball though ;)
No cousins for me either. Just my parents, siblings, and their spouses. Plus two little sh*ts (a.k.a. my nephews) :-p
Post edited December 26, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
ElTerprise: Yes...and i'm really looking forward to it.

Would you be really surprised if that'll happen? Thankfully i didn't do that either even though i use Paypal ... but i just logged in and changed my password .. just in case...
No, not really. Steam has a near-monopoly. PC gamers who've largely had no choice but to use that service aren't going to give up their libraries. GOG's trying, but companies are happier with the illusion of security and the perpetuation of "piracy made our shitty game sell badly, not that they were garbage to begin with" narrative that can be used as a convenient excuse when needed.
dfektive: Thanks much for steering me in direction of that thread. Was a big help and with another response I received I was able to get things tweaked and working. Finally a fully working Quake since last I say at my PC in 97' Heh. Sending cookies made with love and bacon bits your way = )


Hope everyone got exactly what they asked the jolly man for. May the rest of the day/eve/night go well for all.
Merry baby Jesus day to those who celebrate and happy holidays to all.
-tips hat-
Good for you on getting it all to work. Quake without its soundtrack just doesn't feel right at all.

Happy end of the year whatever to you as well.
AgentBirdnest: The last game I picked up on Steam fell into one of those categories. Tron 2.0. Was been on my wishlist for years. Hoped it might show up here, when we got Disney/Lucasfilm, but... (And no, I haven't actually played it yet :-p) ... Other than that, I don't really keep track of games outside GOG these days, due to a combination of a growing backlog, aging computer, spending massive amounts of time here, and just general changes of mood.

Good call. Spacing it all out over a week should be enough ;-) .... Nah, last year all the peanut butter lasted about 2 months. I'm only kinda stupid, not fully stupid.
Hmm. Just had that on my wishlist, but removed it. Figured there'd be compatibility problems.

Understandable. I latch onto rentals during sales, that's about it.

That wouldn't be stupid, it'd be nut-based product-induced suicide.
Post edited December 26, 2015 by CarrionCrow
dfektive: Hope everyone got exactly what they asked the jolly man for. May the rest of the day/eve/night go well for all.
Merry baby Jesus day to those who celebrate and happy holidays to all.
-tips hat-
Thanks, and same to you Classy Llama. Take care, have a happy today, and good evenight :-)
AgentBirdnest: No cousins for me either. Just my parents, siblings, and their spouses. Plus two little sh*ts (a.k.a. my nephews) :-p
Well as i only one sibling the family is smaller for me i assume :)

CarrionCrow: No, not really. Steam has a near-monopoly. PC gamers who've largely had no choice but to use that service aren't going to give up their libraries. GOG's trying, but companies are happier with the illusion of security and the perpetuation of "piracy makes out shitty game sell badly, not that they were garbage to begin with" narrative that can be used as a convenient excuse when needed.
Yup me neither....
Steam is the prime example for the negative effects of a monopoly or near-monopoly....
But didn't they had a choice - and honestly i guess a large group of steam-users are the CoD-kiddies who just don't care about it....
CarrionCrow: Hmm. Just had that on my wishlist, but removed it. Figured there'd be compatibility problems.

Understandable. I latch onto rentals during sales, that's about it.

That wouldn't be stupid, it'd be nut-based product-induced suicide.
I think I got it to launch just fine, but didn't actually try playing it. I'd imagine it would work fine if FEAR does. Same developer, engine, and even the same-looking menus. Not sure though, I'm no tech expert.

If I'm gonna die, at least peanut butter would be the way I want to go :-) I generally do try to avoid the death thing, though...
ElTerprise: Well as i only one sibling the family is smaller for me i assume :)
You assume correctly. I've got two brothers and a sister. All older than me by quite a bit :-p


I'm checking out for the night. See you all another day. Good night everyone, and sleep well whenever you do!
*Big hugs and little waves, with a tip of the helmet*
Post edited December 26, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
AgentBirdnest: You assume correctly. I've got two brothers and a sister. All older than me by quite a bit :-p


I'm checking out for the night. See you all another day. Good night everyone, and sleep well whenever you do!
*Big hugs and little waves, with a tip of the helmet*
See. I only have a younger sister - so no spouses at our table :P

Good Night Agent *big good night twug*
Sleep well :)
AgentBirdnest: I'm checking out for the night. See you all another day. Good night everyone, and sleep well whenever you do!
*Big hugs and little waves, with a tip of the helmet*
Night Sir, sleep well.
Well I'm off to sleep as well just wanted to check two things.

-- One: Seems Steam is back. It's a good thing that my overly paranoid nature kept me from ever giving in any credit card numbers. And even the little info they do have, makes me nervous at times.
I assume billing info as well as domicile, is only included when credit card info is provided?
-- Two: I've just discovered the Pi Zero. At 5 bucks it's an extremely inexpensive board to tinker with.
I'm no tinkerer but I might give it a try. It's just 4 quid after all.
Post edited December 26, 2015 by j0ekerr
Less than two hours left, and the stupidity is fully over for another year.

Think I'll find a game to scream at for a while.
CarrionCrow: Less than two hours left, and the stupidity is fully over for another year.

Think I'll find a game to scream at for a while.
Merry Christmas Crow! God bless you! Bless us all! Ahahahahahaha! *starts dancing like an idiot*
Soccorro: Merry Christmas Crow! God bless you! Bless us all! Ahahahahahaha! *starts dancing like an idiot*
Just one more hour to go. =)
CarrionCrow: Less than two hours left, and the stupidity is fully over for another year.

Think I'll find a game to scream at for a while.
Stupidity? Are you crazy? And also the next day after Christmas is the second day.

How are you guys?
Post edited December 26, 2015 by XxXSprayvWarXxX
XxXSprayvWarXxX: Stupidity? Are you crazy? And also the next day after Christmas is the second day.

How are you guys?
Yes. Stupidity. That's what I said.

There is no second day here. One is more than obnoxious enough, everything can go back to its normal operation.
CarrionCrow: Less than two hours left, and the stupidity is fully over for another year.
Happy 26th, Crow! Glad to see you made it :-)