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ddickinson: Just be careful, you don't want death by chocolate. :-)

I guess having a big turkey dinner for your Thanksgiving would maybe put people off having turkey again so soon. A bacon tree with frosting? You Americans sure eat silly things. :-)

*big silly hug*
(It is December, so we are in winer.)
Yeah, not without ElT around to revive me with the Agent Resurrection Kit... Maybe only 6 mugs of chocolate then, instead of the 23 I was planning on :-)

Well, I'm quite exhausted. I think I'll head to bed... Lovely talking with you, DD. Take care of yourself, and have a good night (and good night to all you silly lurkers, too!) :-)
*big definitely winter hug*
AgentBirdnest: Yeah, not without ElT around to revive me with the Agent Resurrection Kit... Maybe only 6 mugs of chocolate then, instead of the 23 I was planning on :-)

Well, I'm quite exhausted. I think I'll head to bed... Lovely talking with you, DD. Take care of yourself, and have a good night (and good night to all you silly lurkers, too!) :-)
*big definitely winter hug*
Have a lovely night, Mr Agent. Lovely talking you as well, as always. Sleep well and pleasant dreams!

*big goodnight hug*
ddickinson: Have a lovely night, Mr Agent. Lovely talking you as well, as always. Sleep well and pleasant dreams!

*big goodnight hug*
*cuddles DD and falls asleep*
Good night D. I'm going to bed now too so see you tomorrow or any other day.
l0rdtr3k: CUDDLE TIME!
*cuddles DD and falls asleep*
Good night D. I'm going to bed now too so see you tomorrow or any other day.
Goodnight, little Blob! Have a good night's sleep. *goodnight hug*
g.o.g g.o.g

makes us so

happy happy

clap clap

happy happy
So I was just voting for a few more wishlist items, and I noticed GoG tracks stats. Before my new additions, I had 36 wishlist votes and 15 wishes granted in my short couple years here - that's a pretty decent hit rate! And that's even including doing some "redundant" voting (NOLF has more wishlist entries than just the two games for example).

So if anyone wants to tap into my luck and have me vote for something, I seem to have a magic touch.
Okay, finally back from errands. Yay. And by yay, I mean the fake holidays can all go fuck themselves with something long, sharp and jagged.
Ixamyakxim: So I was just voting for a few more wishlist items, and I noticed GoG tracks stats. Before my new additions, I had 36 wishlist votes and 15 wishes granted in my short couple years here - that's a pretty decent hit rate! And that's even including doing some "redundant" voting (NOLF has more wishlist entries than just the two games for example).

So if anyone wants to tap into my luck and have me vote for something, I seem to have a magic touch.
Yeah, vote for NOLF! ;-D
I wouldn't mind seeing here... and I'd love to try [url=]Empires: Dawn of the Modern World. And... well... I guess it would be nice to have everything, really... so I'll stop there :-p

My stats are not quite as good as yours... 30 granted out of 159 votes. Some of those votes were for things like "fix GOG", and we know that will never happen...
low rated
It's a fun evening here. Sitting at my desk, eating jalapeno cheddar flavored chips while watching Ask A Mortician videos and trying to resist the siren song of the bottle of alcohol sitting a foot or so away from me.
CarrionCrow: It's a fun evening here. Sitting at my desk, eating jalapeno cheddar flavored chips while watching Ask A Mortician videos and trying to resist the siren song of the bottle of alcohol sitting a foot or so away from me.
Sounds perfect! :) jalapeno and cheddar! *drool*

I just woke up, made some nutty coffee, toast and cornflakes with red berries.
Actually that nutty coffee is driving me nuts :) I'm trying to get into this other bag of coffee, but the old nut stuff just doesn't want to run out :P
superstande: Sounds perfect! :) jalapeno and cheddar! *drool*

I just woke up, made some nutty coffee, toast and cornflakes with red berries.
Actually that nutty coffee is driving me nuts :) I'm trying to get into this other bag of coffee, but the old nut stuff just doesn't want to run out :P
It's working out pretty well here. The chips aren't great for dipping, but they're otherwise nice.

Maybe the nut coffee is secretly reproducing while you and your wife sleep, so you can never be rid of it...
Wow I actually remember Vietcong from my Xbox days - a bit of a "squad-lite" shooter with some interesting approaches to missions and a wonderful jungle environment. I THINK (if I remember correctly) you even had to use your specialized squad guys for tasks (sort of like Republic Commando - medic to heal, assign "SAW" guy to cover and lay down suppression, etc) - this was a nice little game! I didn't realize there was a PC version of it to be honest (it came out on XBox with a few other Vietnam era shooters - weird how things sort of "bunch" up with a few in the genre at a time no?).

CarrionCrow: It's a fun evening here. Sitting at my desk, eating jalapeno cheddar flavored chips while watching Ask A Mortician videos and trying to resist the siren song of the bottle of alcohol sitting a foot or so away from me.
Those... sound awesome. The chips - not the videos you odd ball ;) I'm a huge fan of strange flavored / textured chips. I don't eat them nearly as much as I'd like but your description of these is making me extremely jealous. Probably because I spent my Saturday night at the PC playing a few games and having a couple beers - so odd flavored chips sound downright divine right about now! What's the bottle next to you? I'm a beer person, but I admit I have a weak spot for bourbon - so if it's that, I'd say don't resist, pour yourself two fingers and enjoy the rest of your (soon to be short ;) ) night :)
Ixamyakxim: Those... sound awesome. The chips - not the videos you odd ball ;) I'm a huge fan of strange flavored / textured chips. I don't eat them nearly as much as I'd like but your description of these is making me extremely jealous. Probably because I spent my Saturday night at the PC playing a few games and having a couple beers - so odd flavored chips sound downright divine right about now! What's the bottle next to you? I'm a beer person, but I admit I have a weak spot for bourbon - so if it's that, I'd say don't resist, pour yourself two fingers and enjoy the rest of your (soon to be short ;) ) night :)
You'd probably like these then. They're T.G.I. Friday's brand jalapeno cheddar potato skins, so the texture of the chip is thicker and resembles that of an actual potato skin.

Picked up some Fireball earlier. It even came with a nice shot glass.
There's a deranged part of me that wants to save it for when I go on Skype so people can see and hear my Hatoful Boyfriend torture. (Would do a Twitch stream, but my net's too weak to pull it off.)
Post edited December 20, 2015 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: It's working out pretty well here. The chips aren't great for dipping, but they're otherwise nice.

Maybe the nut coffee is secretly reproducing while you and your wife sleep, so you can never be rid of it...
Nooo! What a horrible nightmare :)
We must destroy it immediately! *looks around* Hey, it was just here a minute ago... it's... ran off!? :P

Also, I googled Fireball - that looks delicious... I remember drinking this other spicy thing, Naga Shot, it was really spicy, and just awesome... Might buy this Fireball for Christmas visitors *evil planning*
Post edited December 20, 2015 by superstande