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Another bad part about Mount & Blade: Warband...when you're in the last round of a tournament and you and your opponent both have lances. The AI doesn't understand that it needs space for the lance to work and will instead chase you and not give either of you enough room to pick up enough speed to use the lance! So it becomes a ten minutes affair of them chasing you while you hope they run into a wall. Blah!
AgentBirdnest: *waves energetically back at Fearful*
How's the weekend treating our lovely Symmetrical friend?
Pretty all right. I'm swamped with work but I did decide to pay a visit to the Dutch 'thank god it's over' party for NaNoWriMo. I'm really tired, though. I was already pretty worn down but now I'm really running out of fuel. :P

How are you, Agent?
FearfulSymmetry: Pretty all right. I'm swamped with work but I did decide to pay a visit to the Dutch 'thank god it's over' party for NaNoWriMo. I'm really tired, though. I was already pretty worn down but now I'm really running out of fuel. :P

How are you, Agent?
Were there donuts? :-)
I didn't quite finish my novel last month. Still about 49,286 words to go :-p I'm seriously impressed by anyone who had the motivation to do it.

I'm pretty good. It's been an overall quiet and pleasant day. Got lost in the great Land of Wikipedia for about five hours, which is some nice pointless fun :-)
AgentBirdnest: Were there donuts? :-)
I didn't quite finish my novel last month. Still about 49,286 words to go :-p I'm seriously impressed by anyone who had the motivation to do it.

I'm pretty good. It's been an overall quiet and pleasant day. Got lost in the great Land of Wikipedia for about five hours, which is some nice pointless fun :-)
No, but there was hot chocolate with whipped cream. And gigantic hamburgers. :)

Haha, I really have to push myself to finish at times as well, but in the end I always want to give it another go and I come back to it each November. It's a pretty rewarding experience.

Haha, yes. TV tropes often does that for me, I just keep clicking one link after another. ;)
j0ekerr: If you enjoy calculating derivatives you MUST "play" Kerball!

I've been playing some X I've got almost 3K credits and I'm sick of running errands. And just thinking of having to keep doing that until I reach upwards of 10K is making me extremely pissed off.
You should try Space Run. An entire game where all you do is make deliveries :-)
(It is actually a really fun "spaceship-defense" game. I loved it.)
FearfulSymmetry: No, but there was hot chocolate with whipped cream. And gigantic hamburgers. :)

Haha, I really have to push myself to finish at times as well, but in the end I always want to give it another go and I come back to it each November. It's a pretty rewarding experience.

Haha, yes. TV tropes often does that for me, I just keep clicking one link after another. ;)
That sounds even better! (I hope you didn't eat our thread's Hamburger, ElT... I haven't seen him today ô__ô)

I wasn't able to push myself at all last month. I like writing, but it depends entirely on my mood, and November was not a good-mood-month, unfortunately. Maybe I'll make January my PersonalNoWriMo :-p
OK, I'm off for the night. Sleep tight.
Yezemin: OK, I'm off for the night. Sleep tight.
Have a good night, sleep well. =)
Hm, I'm contemplating grabbing one last mystery game as a sort of goodbye to the sale ... But then again I might just end up with more stuff I won't play. :P

AgentBirdnest: That sounds even better! (I hope you didn't eat our thread's Hamburger, ElT... I haven't seen him today ô__ô)

I wasn't able to push myself at all last month. I like writing, but it depends entirely on my mood, and November was not a good-mood-month, unfortunately. Maybe I'll make January my PersonalNoWriMo :-p
Well, I didn't manage to eat the entire hamburger, so he might just be crippled. ;)

Sounds like a good plan. November is always a bad time anyway because everyone tends to be super busy as well.
aaand it's decided, no more VSTs (at least for a while), time to scrape together some pennies and go shopping for some hardware synths. First order of business: email Tina Root in hopes that she'll A: be willing to help and B: be able to remember what synths Susan Wallace used in Switchblade Symphony.
Started working on a text adventure. Nice build-up so far!
LesterKnight99: Started working on a text adventure. Nice build-up so far!
Awesome! Link us when you've got a demo or a release!
LesterKnight99: Started working on a text adventure. Nice build-up so far!
NoNewTaleToTell: Awesome! Link us when you've got a demo or a release!
Will do!
Dayum I almost forgot about them. And they expire in 2 days or maybe one I dunno.

Who wants a Riddick and Shock to the System?
For those still shopping I am finding a LOT of games that are on sale that don't show up on the front page or if you use price=discounted in the catalog.
Only way I can see them is to do a full catalog listing and look for ones marked with a sale price.