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ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all having a lovely evening?

Thank you. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have some good news for a change when I get my test/scan results back. *big thank you hug*

Sorry to hear that you have had to go through all that. I have never had the religious part of it, but my partners family have told me to burn in hell enough times. They have said and done much worse over the years to me, but that's not anything I need to go into. Feel free to vent all you like, the thread is the perfect place for it as there is usually someone around who will lend a friendly ear.

*big comforting hug*
Hi D! *big hugs for you*
I found a GIF that sums up my interactions with Fearful quite acurately
l0rdtr3k: Hi D! *big hugs for you*
I found a GIF that sums up my interactions with Fearful quite acurately
Hello, Mr Blob! Are you still having a lovely day? *big hug*

And you should know by now I don't click on your links anymore. :-)
ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!

I hope you are all having a lovely evening?

Thank you. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have some good news for a change when I get my test/scan results back. *big thank you hug*

Sorry to hear that you have had to go through all that. I have never had the religious part of it, but my partners family have told me to burn in hell enough times. They have said and done much worse over the years to me, but that's not anything I need to go into. Feel free to vent all you like, the thread is the perfect place for it as there is usually someone around who will lend a friendly ear.

*big comforting hug*

Good evening!

Did you see anything you like from the front page or the bundles?
Evening DD.

Nope not really. I mean Wing Commander's nice and the price is certainly appealing enough... but I already got the X-universe games in the last sale, so I'm quite covered in the space simulator genre there.

I've also noticed the back to the future game. I don't think I've seen it before.
And I've also noticed that it's almost twice as expensive as when I got it 17 months ago.
Say it with me: "FACK U DRAGHI!
Post edited December 10, 2015 by j0ekerr
ddickinson: Hello, Mr Blob! Are you still having a lovely day? *big hug*

And you should know by now I don't click on your links anymore. :-)
It's just a GIF of a Shiba Inu rubbing itself on it's owner hair. It's SFW
NoNewTaleToTell: So much for the "I'll/we'll always love you and support you" speech, but at least I know where I really stand now. Didn't get the "I'm suddenly super religious and you're gonna burn in hell fire!" speech, but got the "you just need to focus on your REAL priorities, and face reality, regardless of your own feelings and thoughts etc" speech.

Sorry, just wanted to vent...
No need to be sorry, vent all you want.

*big comforting hug*

ddickinson: Good evening, everyone!
*big hug*
j0ekerr: Good night/afternoon folks.

I come here without even checking by the front page and thus I have no idea what's new today.

Let's check the bundles, shall we?
The legends are true, the old Viking-Grinch was right. HE KNOWS WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS!
Good evening. =)

There are plenty of smart people here. Getting such easy clues also helps.
j0ekerr: Evening DD.

Nope not really. I mean Wing Commander's nice and the price is certainly appealing enough... but I already got the X-universe games in the last sale, so I'm quite covered in the space simulator genre there.

I've also noticed the back to the future game. I don't think I've seen it before.
And I've also noticed that it's almost twice as expensive as when I got it 17 months ago.
I have yet to play any of the Wing Commander games. I own one or two of them, but until I try them I won't be getting any of the other games.

Back to the Future does seem more expensive. I think it could have had a 90% discount in other sales, maybe that is it?
l0rdtr3k: It's just a GIF of a Shiba Inu rubbing itself on it's owner hair. It's SFW
I see.

moonshineshadow: *big hug*
*big return hug*

CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)
Hello again, Mr Crow! :-)
Post edited December 10, 2015 by ddickinson
ddickinson: Back to the Future does seem more expensive. I think it could have had a 90% discount in other sales, maybe that is it?
According to MaGog:
[July 25, 2014, 90%]
moonshineshadow: According to MaGog:
[July 25, 2014, 90%]
I completely forgot the magic MaGog kept records of sale prices.

*big thank you for the ever knowledgable Moonshine*

How are you this evening?
ddickinson: I have yet to play any of the Wing Commander games. I own one or two of them, but until I try them I won't be getting any of the other games.

Back to the Future does seem more expensive. I think it could have had a 90% discount in other sales, maybe that is it?
85% at the 2014 summer sale.

Being a gourmet discount hunter (aka: cheap tight bastard) I'm very pleased to have snatched it back then.

CarrionCrow: Good evening. =)

There are plenty of smart people here. Getting such easy clues also helps.
Clues, what clues? Do they give us clues? It was General Mustard with the vat o' jello!
ddickinson: I completely forgot the magic MaGog kept records of sale prices.

*big thank you for the ever knowledgable Moonshine*

How are you this evening?
So,want to grab a film later?
j0ekerr: 85% at the 2014 summer sale.

Being a gourmet discount hunter (aka: cheap tight bastard) I'm very pleased to have snatched it back then.
I think many PC gamers are like that. All these sales kind of makes everyone hold out for a better deal.

l0rdtr3k: So,want to grab a film later?
I don't think I will be awake for much longer, so I had better pass. :-)
moonshineshadow: According to MaGog:
[July 25, 2014, 90%]
ddickinson: I completely forgot the magic MaGog kept records of sale prices.
*big thank you for the ever knowledgable Moonshine*
How are you this evening?
Doing ok. Tired but at the same time awake. And indecisive about what to do now :D
*big return hug*
moonshineshadow: Doing ok. Tired but at the same time awake. And indecisive about what to do now :D
*big return hug*
I am like that at the moment. After I blacked out earlier and hit my head I was dying for some sleep, but when my partner came home I got a second winds, so no sleep. Now I am at the point where I am tired, but not ready to sleep. What are your options for what to do now?

*big hug*
ddickinson: I think many PC gamers are like that. All these sales kind of makes everyone hold out for a better deal.

I don't think I will be awake for much longer, so I had better pass. :-)
BTW,have you gotten better from earlier?
Just asking but what are you doing to entertain yourself because AFAIK you're bedridden.