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Good evening, lovely visitors of Fred the thread! :-)

How are you all today?
ddickinson: Good evening, lovely visitors of Fred the thread! :-)

How are you all today?
*asks DD to pick me up*
I'm fine. Finished some games,bought Bayonetta and I'm preparing for the Holidays.
l0rdtr3k: *asks DD to pick me up*
I'm fine. Finished some games,bought Bayonetta and I'm preparing for the Holidays.
Hello, little blob! I am glad to hear you are doing fine and have been playing some fun games. Do you have anything nice planned for your holidays?

Good morning/afternoon, everyone. =)

Hope you're all doing well today.
CarrionCrow: Good morning/afternoon, everyone. =)

Hope you're all doing well today.
Good morning, Mr Crow!

How are you today?
l0rdtr3k: *asks DD to pick me up*
I'm fine. Finished some games,bought Bayonetta and I'm preparing for the Holidays.
ddickinson: Hello, little blob! I am glad to hear you are doing fine and have been playing some fun games. Do you have anything nice planned for your holidays?

Stuffing my face full of food.
superstande: Good Morning!
Hoping for only two more games from the sale: Gothic 1-2.
I actually skipped these several times on other sales I think.
But after playing a bit of Risen, which I find one lovely game, on par with Witcher 1... I want to try the older games too...

Are people getting what they were looking for in the sale?
Ah do I got a story the Saga of Dreamfall... got as a lovely gift Chapters without knowing I needed to have played Dreamfall proper D'oh so now one more game to hunt but it's in the mystery pile and I hate that concept so now in limbo barring a lucky trade.
ddickinson: Good morning, Mr Crow!

How are you today?
Doing all right here. Fell asleep here for a bit, woke up, fiddled around with GTA Vice City for a while. Now trying to organize my rentals in between trying to decide what to focus on.

How are things with you?
CarrionCrow: Doing all right here. Fell asleep here for a bit, woke up, fiddled around with GTA Vice City for a while. Now trying to organize my rentals in between trying to decide what to focus on.

How are things with you?
That is good to hear. How is GTA Vice City? I have only ever played the original 2D top view versions. The 3D ones never really appealed to me that much. Do you have anything in mind to play next?

Things have been better, but nothing to complain about. I had to go see my doctor this morning for another x-ray and it turns out I have mild pneumonia, which is always nice to have on top of everything else. But things could be worse, so no point in letting it get to me.
ddickinson: That is good to hear. How is GTA Vice City? I have only ever played the original 2D top view versions. The 3D ones never really appealed to me that much. Do you have anything in mind to play next?

Things have been better, but nothing to complain about. I had to go see my doctor this morning for another x-ray and it turns out I have mild pneumonia, which is always nice to have on top of everything else. But things could be worse, so no point in letting it get to me.
The PC version of it is a bit of a mess. Had to get a mod for my controller to work, and it's still a combo of doesn't look great and plays a bit like crap control-wise.

Thinking I'm going to play one of my Magic games until I decide on what else to do. Got sick of waiting around on the sale, so I spent the last of my extras budget on other stuff. Now it's back to paring down the backlog instead of adding to it a couple dozen at a time (at least).

Frigging wonderful. Did they give you something to help combat it?
Good morning Blob, DD, Crow, Cecil !!
**Big hugs and waves**
I hope you're all doing good !
**Returning to Lurking Mode™**
CarrionCrow: The PC version of it is a bit of a mess. Had to get a mod for my controller to work, and it's still a combo of doesn't look great and plays a bit like crap control-wise.

Thinking I'm going to play one of my Magic games until I decide on what else to do. Got sick of waiting around on the sale, so I spent the last of my extras budget on other stuff. Now it's back to paring down the backlog instead of adding to it a couple dozen at a time (at least).

Frigging wonderful. Did they give you something to help combat it?
I think what turned me off the games was just the theme of them. Not that I mind violent games or anything like that, but the whole gangster vibe just seemed dull to me (no offence to anyone who likes them).

There are a few games on Steam I would like to see here, but none that I want enough to make me decide to get them from Steam. Nothing against those who use Steam, I am not knocking it, but I just prefer to own what I pay for.

They gave me some antibiotics which should help clear it up. It seems that with my immune system acting up lately it has left me open to things like pneumonia. Hopefully it is nothing to worry about, although the coughing has kept me up all night and is really annoying.

Empress_Owl: Good morning Blob, DD, Crow, Cecil !!
**Big hugs and waves**
I hope you're all doing good !
**Returning to Lurking Mode™**
Good morning, lovely Owl!

Did Agent tell you we decided to name the thread Fred? :-)

How are you feeling today? Are you feeling better than yesterday?

*big hug*
Post edited December 09, 2015 by ddickinson
Empress_Owl: Good morning Blob, DD, Crow, Cecil !!
**Big hugs and waves**
I hope you're all doing good !
**Returning to Lurking Mode™**
Good morning. =)

Lurking, you say...
Okay, I'll just leave the pool of coffee in the corner.
ddickinson: I think what turned me off the games was just the theme of them. Not that I mind violent games or anything like that, but the whole gangster vibe just seemed dull to me (no offence to anyone who likes them).

There are a few games on Steam I would like to see here, but none that I want enough to make me decide to get them from Steam. Nothing against those who use Steam, I am not knocking it, but I just prefer to own what I pay for.

They gave me some antibiotics which should help clear it up. It seems that with my immune system acting up lately it has left me open to things like pneumonia. Hopefully it is nothing to worry about, although the coughing has kept me up all night and is really annoying.
Nothing wrong with that. Everyone has their preferences.

I spent 2.50 on it. Not a bad price for a game rental. Used to spend a lot more at Blockbuster. But like you said, I don't consider it owned by any means.

Hopefully the pills will start wiping it out so you're not trying to cough your organs out all night long.
Post edited December 09, 2015 by CarrionCrow
Good morning DD, Crow, Blob, Cecil!
*waves to everyone* ... *and crushes that lurker in the corner with a big hug* :-p
Good moaning. How are yez?

*Skims through the thread to check what he's missed*