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CarrionCrow: I'm actually looking forward to Two Worlds, considering the problems people have told me about.
In my opinion the only real issues Two Worlds has are silly/bad voice acting, lack of quests compared to how big the world is, very few choices to make and generally less than great writing.

Oh, and for some reason most of the cities are "ye olde generic medieval fantasy" style villages BUT there are two cities that are a mix of ancient Greece and Rome (with soldiers/guards dressed basically as Roman legionaries) and there is an Asian inspired city, right down to its inhabitants being Asian and wearing kimonos and having samurai swords. I get that the game is trying to show how vast the world is but it's not handled very well and it ends up being kinda jarring. Ya know, you walk ten feet away from "ye olde generic medieval fantasy village" (with citizens to match) and you bump into the game's version of a samurai.
Post edited December 06, 2015 by NoNewTaleToTell
superstande: *snip*
Happy independence day bro!

There is islander and finlander and other one is an nes-time game and decent.
So I just found about the crowdfunding Psychonauts 2 campaign.

It's a bit sad that Double Fine has destroyed my trust.

I could forgive them for Broken Age not living up to the hype (it was a good adventure game, just, not that good). But not for the poor management that caused delays and going overbudget on a game that had 8 times more money than what was originally planned.

I can forgive the string of mediocre or merely average games. Not everyone can always hit a homerun. And even in their worst games, there's always a tiny shining gem.

But I can't forgive them for the snafu with Space Base.
CarrionCrow: Yeah, they're both pretty bad. Wouldn't want to get those in duplicate.

One's a crafting game, the other's a mediocre RPG. I'd have more fun with the latter.
Considering the price tag at the time, we got what we paid for.

Hurm, I have too many RPGs in my backlog and no time to play them. My D&D bundle remains pristine and untouched, like an ugly nun.

That's a sin!
superstande: The biggest problem in TW2 is that you can't drink beer, only carry it! Dammit! :P
You can't drink beer?!!!


NoNewTaleToTell: In my opinion the only real issues Two Worlds has are silly/bad voice acting, lack of quests compared to how big the world is, very few choices to make and generally less than great writing.

Oh, and for some reason most of the cities are "ye olde generic medieval fantasy" style villages BUT there are two cities that are a mix of ancient Greece and Rome (with soldiers/guards dressed basically as Roman legionaries) and there is an Asian inspired city, right down to its inhabitants being Asian and wearing kimonos and having samurai swords. I get that the game is trying to show how vast the world is but it's not handled very well and it ends up being kinda jarring. Ya know, you walk ten feet away from "ye olde generic medieval fantasy village" (with citizens to match) and you bump into the game's version of a samurai.
Oh my. You mean the game oozes melted cheese like some sort of arteries-clogging bowl of nachos dumped on top of a cheese lovers pizza?

If so I think I'll love it.

Surely it can't be worse than this?
Post edited December 06, 2015 by j0ekerr
superstande: Alright, those sound interesting... The western one at least... Not sure I'm that big of a Star Wars fan though :)
I should clarify, the western one and the Star Wars mod are for the original Mount & Blade only.

Gekokujo is named after the time period in Japan, and is set in that era too. Interestingly, it's map is historically correct and many if not all of the unique/named NPCs are too (within reason).

Brytenwalda is set in the dark ages of Europe, the special edition of the mod includes a well written and entertaining novella and a pen and paper game. If I remember right, the team behind Brytenwalda later made the Viking Conquest DLC for Warband.

Prophesy of Pendor is set in an original low fantasy universe and is perhaps the most fleshed out mod I've seen outside of Brytenwalda

The fun thing about mods for Mount & Blade and Warband is that you can have as many as you want installed, you just choose which one you want to play using the game's launcher.
CarrionCrow: I'm actually looking forward to Two Worlds, considering the problems people have told me about.
NoNewTaleToTell: In my opinion the only real issues Two Worlds has are silly/bad voice acting, lack of quests compared to how big the world is, very few choices to make and generally less than great writing.

Oh, and for some reason most of the cities are "ye olde generic medieval fantasy" style villages BUT there are two cities that are a mix of ancient Greece and Rome (with soldiers/guards dressed basically as Roman legionaries) and there is an Asian inspired city, right down to its inhabitants being Asian and wearing kimonos and having samurai swords. I get that the game is trying to show how vast the world is but it's not handled very well and it ends up being kinda jarring. Ya know, you walk ten feet away from "ye olde generic medieval fantasy village" (with citizens to match) and you bump into the game's version of a samurai.
That setup works for me. I can imagine my character getting drunk, wandering from standard village to Japanese village while blacked out, then thinking he took a boat to a different country.
superstande: Alright! I got Mount & Blade Warband and also bought Fearless Vampire Killers (it's a 1970's horror comedy)... aaand my tax returns are pretty much gone at this point ;)
Hey I know that movie, that's 'Dance of the Vampires'.
They used to put it on TV every christmas when I was kid.
j0ekerr: Considering the price tag at the time, we got what we paid for.

Hurm, I have too many RPGs in my backlog and no time to play them. My D&D bundle remains pristine and untouched, like an ugly nun.

That's a sin!
Even with an RPG backlog that stretches into the thousands of hours, I'd still rather get more RPG's.
Don't like Minecraft, don't like Terraria, don't like crafting games with no story. Would rather play Two Worlds' brain-damaged distant cousin than one of those.
CarrionCrow: That setup works for me. I can imagine my character getting drunk, wandering from standard village to Japanese village while blacked out, then thinking he took a boat to a different country.
You want to talk about geography confused architecture?

I give you exhibit A.

In the same city you have an european cathredral, middle east like strees, egyptian catacombs and aztec pyramids.
Cool. Nuclear Throne is coming to GOG... :)
CarrionCrow: Even with an RPG backlog that stretches into the thousands of hours, I'd still rather get more RPG's.
Don't like Minecraft, don't like Terraria, don't like crafting games with no story. Would rather play Two Worlds' brain-damaged distant cousin than one of those.
Maybe you'd like Planet Explorers then? It's an open world action game with a story mode and a heavy emphasis on crafting. But the crafting it in it is a cut above most, since your crafting takes place on basically a blueprint screen allowing you to create nearly anything. I've built hovercopters, giant motorcycles, three wheeled carts, dune buggies and a bunch of other stuff. You can even build attackships, motorized boats, and I THINK trains are coming. Plus, crafting aside, there is an actual story mode and it's an action game, soo...
Post edited December 06, 2015 by NoNewTaleToTell
NoNewTaleToTell: Maybe you'd like Planet Explorers then? It's an open world action game with a story mode and a heavy emphasis on crafting. But the crafting it in it is a cut above most, since your crafting takes place on basically a blueprint screen allowing you to create nearly anything. I've built hovercopters, giant motorcycles, three wheeled carts, dune buggies and a bunch of other stuff. You can even build attackships, motorized boats, and I THINK trains are coming. Plus, crafting aside, there is an actual story mode and it's an action game, soo...
If it's got a defined story with a start and finish, I probably would. It's completely pointless crafting that bores the shit out of me.
NoNewTaleToTell: Maybe you'd like Planet Explorers then? It's an open world action game with a story mode and a heavy emphasis on crafting. But the crafting it in it is a cut above most, since your crafting takes place on basically a blueprint screen allowing you to create nearly anything. I've built hovercopters, giant motorcycles, three wheeled carts, dune buggies and a bunch of other stuff. You can even build attackships, motorized boats, and I THINK trains are coming. Plus, crafting aside, there is an actual story mode and it's an action game, soo...
Oh that game looks interesting.
Oh I should clarify one of my statements. The crafting does take place on sort of a blueprint screen, but you're not using predefined blueprints, you're free to build your stuff however you want as long as it has the base requirements (like a rotor, engine, seat and fuel tank for helicopters).

You can shape your stuff pretty much any way you want to, although common sense is useful if you want to build something that works well (or at all). Want a helicopter that consists of a thin rectangular sheet of metal, a rotor on each corner, a seat with an fuel tank sitting right next too it? You can build it! Motorcycle that consists of two wheels about three feet apart, an engine between them, a fuel tank stacked on top of the engine and a seat on top of the fuel tank, with just a thin bar of metal connecting everything? Yep, you can build it. It might not drive worth a darn but you can build it.
Post edited December 06, 2015 by NoNewTaleToTell
People are silly sometimes. Neighbor stops by with a pack of cigarettes, then says he's not sure if they'll be any good.
What they didn't realize is that I will exuberantly slice filters off as needed until I get the right dose.

Additional - I know I've mentioned hanging onto money for when something new pops up, but am I the only person who gets annoyed with waiting to the point of wanting to say fuck it and just impulse buying so I'm not sale watching anymore?
Post edited December 06, 2015 by CarrionCrow
CarrionCrow: People are silly sometimes. Neighbor stops by with a pack of cigarettes, then says he's not sure if they'll be any good.
What they didn't realize is that I will exuberantly slice filters off as needed until I get the right dose.
your neighborhood sounds a bit shady.
If some weird stranger offers you a smoke you would be wise to actually say no and go buy your own.