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AgentBirdnest: *jaw drop* :-O
Wow! That is quite seriously awesome as pluck! What a bunch of lucky people who will be getting those :-)
*Huge impressed hug*
ElTerprise: Wow....impressive :D
*big hug*
FearfulSymmetry: Woooooooow those are awesome! They look great. :D
Empress_Owl: Hooo myyy, they're so cute !!! :D
Congrats on the great work, Moon !!!
Wow !!!
Thanks :-) *hugs*
I still have wool left now I need to decide what to do with it :D
moonshineshadow: Yeah finally finished!
I like the black one, he looks the smartest. ;)

Morning all.
Empress_Owl: No... just give me your stars, it's fair enough :)
Yes... on the other hand, it doesn't smell nice pine scents... mine stinks.
*Begins star-transfer process* Weeeeooooaaaahhhhrrrrr... è__é
That's true. That's the biggest downside of plastic trees. Luckily mine doesn't have any weird scent (unless you jam your face directly into the middle of the tree.) Still, I do miss the lovely pine scent... *sigh*
moonshineshadow: Yeah finally finished!
EndreWhiteMane: I like the black one, he looks the smartest. ;)
Morning all.
Nah of course the green ones are the smartes even if they don't look like it, since they are the ones I am keeping and I started with them to practice doing this :P
*laughing hug*
superstande: Hello EIT! :)
Good to hear!
Fever is gone now, I think, so... good :)
Hi :)
Thanks....and glad to hear that :)

AgentBirdnest: *retwug*
Doing great today. I'm pretty sure. I don't really know anything for absolute 100% certain, but I think I'm great :-) How about yourself?
That's great to hear. I'm fine now :)
FearfulSymmetry: *hugs Agent* How's it going? :)
*return hug*
It's going so good today that I refuse to complain about anything. Finally :-)

How about yourself, other than kicking homework's arse?
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all.
*tips helmet*
Morning yourself :-)
Post edited December 06, 2015 by AgentBirdnest
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all.
Hello Endre :)
How are you today?
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all.
ElTerprise: Hello Endre :)
How are you today?
Hi there, glad you finally got rested up. :-)
I'm not very good today but that's OK, nothing important I have to do.
Just read the news, that didn't help.
*big wave cause I like to see you wave with no wrists* :-)
FearfulSymmetry: *hugs Agent* How's it going? :)
AgentBirdnest: *return hug*
It's going so good today that I refuse to complain about anything. Finally :-)

How about yourself, other than kicking homework's arse?
EndreWhiteMane: Morning all.
AgentBirdnest: *tips helmet*
Morning yourself :-)
Hi there, that next star is being stubborn but it's bound to happen so get ready for it. :-)
Post edited December 06, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
EndreWhiteMane: Hi there, that next star is being stubborn but it's bound to happen so get ready for it. :-)
As long as I don't have any new responsibilities once it happens... I don't need to start tracking sales, or start giving out philosophical advice to people, or put on pants, right? ;-p
EndreWhiteMane: Hi there, that next star is being stubborn but it's bound to happen so get ready for it. :-)
AgentBirdnest: As long as I don't have any new responsibilities once it happens... I don't need to start tracking sales, or start giving out philosophical advice to people, or put on pants, right? ;-p
None of those but it does require that you bathe at least once a month.
EndreWhiteMane: None of those but it does require that you bathe at least once a month.
Hmm... *goes into lurker mode to avoid next star* ;-p
EndreWhiteMane: Hi there, glad you finally got rested up. :-)
I'm not very good today but that's OK, nothing important I have to do.
Just read the news, that didn't help.
*big wave cause I like to see you wave with no wrists* :-)
*big re-wave* ^^
Thank you and sorry to hear that you're not doing very good today. I hope you'll feel better soon :)
Reading the news is not always a good idea especially when you're not feeling that good...
Just a quick hello before I go back to bed. I set my alarm just so I could check if there were any games for our lovely Moonshine, and there were! So hopefully I managed to finally get her one of her last remaining games. Of course, if any of you beat me to it then I will have to break your damn legs. :-)

*big silly hugs and sleepy waves*
ddickinson: Just a quick hello before I go back to bed. I set my alarm just so I could check if there were any games for our lovely Moonshine, and there were! So hopefully I managed to finally get her one of her last remaining games. Of course, if any of you beat me to it then I will have to break your damn legs. :-)

*big silly hugs and sleepy waves*
Have a good rest! :)
Seems that I arrive too late one more time... tant pis