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EndreWhiteMane: Rough day?
LeoLR: Kinda...
Not because a particular reason but rather because all little bits piling up along the day and week that in the end make wish to send everything to... somewhere.


Taking the opportunity I ask you: The files I sent you yesterday are Ok? The last time I sent a big chunk of data to someone part of them got corrupted. That's one of the reasons I divided the pack.
Sorry to hear that, hopefully the weekend will let you relax a bit.
I will try all of the files when I get a minute and let you know, thanks again for that.
AgentBirdnest: I hate getting songs stuck in my head, even really good ones. Part of me worries that my brain will ruin the song forever. Another part just doesn't want to listen to music, and feels like my brain is betraying me +__+
If I was there I could give you a good thump, but since I'm not maybe listening to a game review or something might chase it out of there. :-)
Post edited December 05, 2015 by EndreWhiteMane
AgentBirdnest: I hate getting songs stuck in my head, even really good ones. Part of me worries that my brain will ruin the song forever. Another part just doesn't want to listen to music, and feels like my brain is betraying me +__+
Oh my...! This song has one of the greatest riffs of all time in my opinion.
AgentBirdnest: I hate getting songs stuck in my head, even really good ones. Part of me worries that my brain will ruin the song forever. Another part just doesn't want to listen to music, and feels like my brain is betraying me +__+
LeoLR: Oh my...! This song has one of the greatest riffs of all time in my opinion.
Been one of my favorites since I was a kid hundreds of years ago. ;)
EndreWhiteMane: If I was there I could give you a good thump, but since I'm not maybe listening to a game review or something might chase it out of there. :-)
ô__ô Haven't watched/listened to a game review years. Why not... *Oogling "game review"*... and the lucky winner is Godzilla The Game! And it looks plucking awful! XD
penumbren: Pretty good. Had a not-wonderful morning, but that's life. Made the last changes to my library and wishlist before the cutoff date (and hopefully didn't mess anything up for my Secret Santa by doing so), and am now just keeping an eye out for any unmissable deals - to buy as gifts, just in case. :D

For now, poking at work stuff, listening to Co-Optional, wishing I had an Overwatch beta key, and then playing some more WoW later.
Did the shitbag roommate manage to sneak in with your luggage?

You should be okay. You did it before the cutoff, that should be sufficient to prevent problems.

I'd pass you one if I had it, but not exactly up to date on things involving Blizzard.
EndreWhiteMane: If I was there I could give you a good thump, but since I'm not maybe listening to a game review or something might chase it out of there. :-)
AgentBirdnest: ô__ô Haven't watched/listened to a game review years. Why not... *Oogling "game review"*... and the lucky winner is Godzilla The Game! And it looks plucking awful! XD
That should do the trick. :-)
CarrionCrow: Did the shitbag roommate manage to sneak in with your luggage?

You should be okay. You did it before the cutoff, that should be sufficient to prevent problems.

I'd pass you one if I had it, but not exactly up to date on things involving Blizzard.
No, no shitbag roommate - just family-related frustration.

That's the hope. :) I know I already bought some stuff for my giftee, so... well... I didn't break any rules, this year! ;P

I appreciate the thought. MMO-FPS-whatever-they're-called-now aren't normally my type of game, but Overwatch just looks like fun, and the differences between it and similar games are enough to attract my attention. Plus, Blizzard. I've been a Blizz fan since Diablo... before numbering. For now, I'm just eyeballing the Legion Collector's Edition and wondering when I'll have $70 in spare cash to go buy it. *laugh*
Anyone want some good o'l nightmare fuel?
Paradox just sent me a free DLC for EU-IV, that was cool. :-)
penumbren: No, no shitbag roommate - just family-related frustration.

That's the hope. :) I know I already bought some stuff for my giftee, so... well... I didn't break any rules, this year! ;P

I appreciate the thought. MMO-FPS-whatever-they're-called-now aren't normally my type of game, but Overwatch just looks like fun, and the differences between it and similar games are enough to attract my attention. Plus, Blizzard. I've been a Blizz fan since Diablo... before numbering. For now, I'm just eyeballing the Legion Collector's Edition and wondering when I'll have $70 in spare cash to go buy it. *laugh*
That's part of why I avoid almost all relatives.

Collector's edition of a WOW expansion...yep, I'd say you're a big fan, all right. =)
You gotta have this one Crow:
Check the developer and publisher. :-)
EndreWhiteMane: You gotta have this one Crow:
Check the developer and publisher. :-)
-laughs- Guess they found a word they liked and ran with it.

Seems interesting, too bad it's a 15 minute game.
EndreWhiteMane: You gotta have this one Crow:
Check the developer and publisher. :-)
Seriously considering reinstalling Steam just to play this for 15 minutes. Looks like fun, and at such a reasonable price ;-)
EndreWhiteMane: You gotta have this one Crow:
Check the developer and publisher. :-)
Not very demanding considering the system requirements and free. As free as something can be on Steam. ;-)
I'll try this later.
Thinking about list items, going back and forth on Hand of Fate.

It looks like a cool game, but their inability/unwillingness to provide the same stuff here that you get from the rental version is really souring me on the whole thing.
Post edited December 05, 2015 by CarrionCrow