Posted December 04, 2015
* New desktop + old monitor = initial incompatibility due to resolution issues. Said resolution cannot be accessed via laptop to desktop, so must be done via tv-as-monitor, but the grandparents are watching tv. Sorta. When they're not dozing. So, HDMI tv connection must be done later - hopefully before the 7 p.m. showing of The Wiz, as I'd like to watch that, but probably not until after 10:00 p.m. when they're both in bed. Unless I can sneak it in during the imminent physical therapist's visit.... On the up side, my Roku is attached to their tv, so I literally just have to stretch a cord and move the desktop about a foot, then load it up and change the resolution so I can unhook it again. Of course, if I try to do that, it will provoke loud complaints from the grandfather. *sigh* I love them, but.... *laugh*