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penumbren: Since I'm currently stymied in setting up a new desktop computer*, have some forum-subject-appropriate funnies: 24 Posts that Only Gamers Will Understand.

* New desktop + old monitor = initial incompatibility due to resolution issues. Said resolution cannot be accessed via laptop to desktop, so must be done via tv-as-monitor, but the grandparents are watching tv. Sorta. When they're not dozing. So, HDMI tv connection must be done later - hopefully before the 7 p.m. showing of The Wiz, as I'd like to watch that, but probably not until after 10:00 p.m. when they're both in bed. Unless I can sneak it in during the imminent physical therapist's visit.... On the up side, my Roku is attached to their tv, so I literally just have to stretch a cord and move the desktop about a foot, then load it up and change the resolution so I can unhook it again. Of course, if I try to do that, it will provoke loud complaints from the grandfather. *sigh* I love them, but.... *laugh*
Phew, I'm having to reread that to get my head around it.... :-)
AgentBirdnest: *Extra-big double-thank-you hug* :-) Much appreciated.
No problem *big return hug* :)

BTW...found a place to hide the ARK™ with a perfect password (hint: think of Spaceballs ^^) :P
ElTerprise: No problem *big return hug* :)

BTW...found a place to hide the ARK™ with a perfect password (hint: think of Spaceballs ^^) :P
Uh oh... Not the same combination that's on my luggage? n__ô
AgentBirdnest: Uh oh... Not the same combination that's on my luggage? n__ô
Oh damn.... :P

*sigh* now i want to rewatch that movie :)
Stilton: Phew, I'm having to reread that to get my head around it.... :-)
That is exactly how I felt while typing it! :D
ElTerprise: *sigh* now i want to rewatch that movie :)
You mean you don't always want to rewatch it? ;-)

Alright, that's it for me. I'm falling asleep. See you all later. Take care. *hugs and waves all around*
AgentBirdnest: You mean you don't always want to rewatch it? ;-)

Alright, that's it for me. I'm falling asleep. See you all later. Take care. *hugs and waves all around*
I don't always want to watch Spaceballs, but when i do i watch it multiple times in a row :P

Hm....i expected something like that :D
Good night Agent *big good night hug*
Sleep well and see you tomorrow :)
Stilton: Phew, I'm having to reread that to get my head around it.... :-)
penumbren: That is exactly how I felt while typing it! :D
It reminds me a bit of this. :-)
Welp I'm off to bed now.

See ya mates.
j0ekerr: Welp I'm off to bed now.

See ya mates.
Sleep well, rabbit :-)

EDIT: Time I was out of here, too. Have fun, people. :-)
Post edited December 04, 2015 by Stilton
j0ekerr: Welp I'm off to bed now.

See ya mates.
Stilton: Sleep well, rabbit :-)

EDIT: Time I was out of here, too. Have fun, people. :-)
Night Stilton and everyone else, have a good sleep.
So all the noisy people are leaving and we'll have the relaxing thread back :D
moonshineshadow: So all the noisy people are leaving and we'll have the relaxing thread back :D
Shouldn't you be in bed too young lady? ;)
moonshineshadow: So all the noisy people are leaving and we'll have the relaxing thread back :D
EndreWhiteMane: Shouldn't you be in bed too young lady? ;)
I would be if I would think I could sleep ;-)
And of course I would not want to leave you alone here :P
EndreWhiteMane: Shouldn't you be in bed too young lady? ;)
moonshineshadow: I would be if I would think I could sleep ;-)
And of course I would not want to leave you alone here :P
That's very kind of you. :-)
Too much on your mind or just not sleepy yet?