Afternoon folks.
Almost done making a tidy computer copy of my math notes.
Which aren't mine actually but someone else's... but I digress.
I checked out the sauna place. Nothing much to see there. Except maybe the stanley parable.
So far it's been a kind of meh winter sales-wise.
What have I missed?
EndreWhiteMane: Happy Birthday, Thanksgiving, Thursday or anything else that applies. :-)
Doing OK here, looking at games and deciding what to play today.
Hope everyone is well or on the way to it.
Oh that's right it's thanksgiving isn't it?
EndreWhiteMane: I did my masochism gig yesterday, today is my anti-social gig. ;)
Also: DriveThruRPG is having a sale if you care.
I do care, a little bit, enough to go check it out anyways. Thanks for the heads up.