Stilton: He was very high on self importance and completely bereft of anything a sane person would call useful.
How's that fearsome hound of yours? Still earning his keep?
Arrogance always seems to be the most redeeming of traits among such doctors. Fortunately, they do seem to be the exception and not the rule, for the most part. I've had a doctor pull the combo of outright denying my obvious diagnosis and accusing me of being a drug addict, and one psychiatrist who told me I didn't need medication for schizophrenia, what I really needed was to be put in touch with "my people," who turned out to be the network of local psychics / new age healers. Quite flattering for sure, but maybe not what you should be telling a schizophrenic after a functional collapse. ;)
Sarge is still SuperSarge around these parts. He's the happiest living creature I know, and the only person I've met to get as excited as I do about simple things.
Him: new rope
Me: new headphone cable
both: flipping the f#*k out
He's out cold in his kennel at the moment. We just had another round of dancing and playing tug and fetch, and he's absolutely spent. I am too, now that I actually pay some attention. :)
I hope you are doing well, aside from the hernia and associated pains / frustrations!