Posted November 22, 2015

I have ROS and have yet to install it, how 'meh' it is to me. It still sits in the CE box. '(._. )
That "cow level" replacement that a unicorn shit out was "wtf" enough.
I don't even know if my account is still alive..
Not only D3 but Blizz itself has gone to shiet. I have SC2 (complete) still in box as well.. xD
Starcraft is the only game I can think of off-hand that I'd like to see the ending to, and even that is largely based around it being incomplete for so long.
I don't give a shit about MOBA's, or pay-to-win card games, or MMO's, or multiplayer shooters.
Diablo's a wreck, so any shit I ever gave before, I certainly don't now, and Starcraft is complete. I don't see them changing course to keep making singleplayer games in a new franchise when they're making tons of money with what they're already doing, so that'll be the end of my involvement with them.