dfektive: *waves a late wave of lateness*
Sorry was at work, then stuck at work.. just got in. It may be 10am but I've earned a few shots for not breaking face last night.
[tequila o'clock]
Free at last.. free at last.. Creator all mighty
FREE at last!!!!!
*even later wave in return*
You inspired me to watch some MLK speeches, which lead me to RFK speeches... awesome stuff :-)
ddickinson: I know, they are just so mean. :-(
Hello, lovely Agent! *big weekend hug*
How are you today?
Maybe everyone's reply buttons ran off with their accounts tabs... I always suspected those two were in cahoots >:-|
Doing okay today. Pretty strange moods, as usual lately, but luckily nothing
too crazy. Hoping this place can keep me smiling for the evening :-)
How are you?