Stilton: Talking of crap, I've just been checking through the titles from the weekend sale which I don't own and they are really lame. Even Iron Storm, which I previously tagged as a possible, looks pretty dire after doing some YouTubing and playing the demo. Its a time passer, but nothing more, and I've got a ton of those already. Its always a bit deflating when a sale comes along which is less than
expiring**. The compensation is getting Galactic Civ 2 for an amazingly low price after I added some store credit.
EDIT** Is this a Freudian slip of some kind? Do I want GOG sales to kill me? Or am I going barmy? All will be revealed in next week's
inspiring episode of The Rise and Fall of Stilton the Blunderer!
CarrionCrow: Yeah, there are more than a few in the mix that don't have the greatest reviews. Moto Racer, Atlantis, Iron Storm...
-laughs- Well, it is around 1 in the morning for you. Maybe you're just tired.
Yeah, I'll be hitting the hay soon I think. A bit more game tinkering first, though. Once a fettler, always a fettler.