ElTerprise: Not at all.
Quite good. Really like my seminars this semester. Especially the Postcolonial studies seminar (lots of interesting discussions) and the Sustainable Futures seminar in which we'll have to produce a small movie for the newly founded
Hamburg Online Open University.
But i'm also curious about my field trip to Copenhagen in February :)
That is good to hear, hopefully it will keep going well. Copenhagen sounds nice. Will you be in Denmark for long?
toxicTom: Well I'm.. tired and really need to go to bed since in five hours the night will be over...
But otherwise I'm currently doing great - I'm got boatload of work but I'm making good progress. My kids are prodigies...
So why are you not in bed? Is something keeping you awake, or are you just unable to able to sleep?
Let's hope you can get through all the work soon so you will have some free time. Your kids are prodigies, in programming, or something unrelated?