IAmSinistar: Purely a coincidence (this time). I was coming to see if anyone else was chatting about the early start of Xmas. Though I was heartened by all the pro-feminist talk here. So glad to see that going on, it's a vital antidote to the hatemongering which festers elsewhere on this board.
Thanks! Closed last week and the furniture and internet setup has been ordered. Hope to have a lot of it ready for habitation by the end of this month (knock wood), though will still be moving some things over throughout December.
Yes, just a coincidence. :-)
I think people are in the mood earlier due to Trent's Secret Santa. The gifts need to be in before christmas so I think he wanted to get an early start on it. This thread is usually good for some civilised discussions on different topics, although we tend not to stick to one for too long in case it attracts those same hatemongers you mentioned.
I bet it is a load of your mind now that it is all yours, and what a nice way to spend Christmas in your new home. And the knock wood thing makes me smile as my father is always saying that, then looking everywhere for the nearest piece of wood, which if he can't find he hits his head. :-)