Posted November 15, 2015

Then sends me a chat message that all but implies. 'Plz can I haz AoW2"
Anyways Gemini Rue seems to be in the lead right now. So I think I'll probably go for it.
As for Stilton's reasons. They're good but already having AoW1 and Shadow Magic, those I have covered. I'd simply be completing the... trilogy? No wait, duology? two-and-a-half-logy? How do you even call this?
Edit: He's gone from implying to outright begging. LeSigh!
That "person" apparently lacks reading skills....
Well it should be trilogy shouldn't it? Unless you count AoW III as well. In that case it would be a tetralogy. Shadow Magic is still a standalone thus a seperate imho...
Post edited November 15, 2015 by ElTerprise