EndreWhiteMane: I could eat pie in a full coma. :-) I'm not even quite decent yet but slowly getting there.
How's your day been, been to France a lot?
Well, I hope you get to decent sooner than later.
It's been good. I was just watching the Medal of Honor ceremony for a French-born US soldier (the first foreign-born person to get the award since Vietnam), so I'm feeling extra French at the moment :-)
ElTerprise: Good evening Agent *big hug*
I'm exhausted (not tired yet though) but otherwise quite good. How are you?
Sounds odd...you sure that it wasn't a pillow? ;)
*return hug*
Good too... and quite tired. Probably won't last much longer.
Pretty sure, yes. It was a Hostess Fruit Pie. Apple, to be precise. I remember acquiring it, and in the morning, the box was in my trash. As for what happened in-between, I can only guess :-p