Stilton: I'm doing well :-) still buzzing a bit from yesterday with a warm glow.
And tablets are....different....
Haha, that's to be expected. :P Good to hear you're doing well.
Tablets can take a little while to get the hang of, but I'm sure you'll be a pro at it in no time. My aunt went from having no advanced electronic devices whatsoever to getting a smartphone, a tablet and a computer in one fell swoop ... and she's quite adept at them now! Much better at those silly android games than I am, at any rate. :P
ElTerprise: Uh that's bad....hope you're getting better soon *get better hug*
So basically three days with 5000 words each and you're done - right?
Thanks - yes indeed. But i just heard that i'll get my replacement least something :)
*thank you hug*
Yep, if I manage it. Not sure the 5000 words is going to work out today (or tomorrow for that matter, no idea how much pain I'll have after the surgery). But still, 15000 words spread out over the rest of the month ... that's not so bad. :)
Yep, that would be useful. It's kind of hard being without a phone, especially if you need it for work.