Posted November 08, 2015

Soup Dragon.
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 08, 2015

A very happy birthday to you, Mr. Ton :-) Hope it's a great one!
Thanks to Tom its started out well already. The generosity of the people here honestly never ceases to amaze and please. :-)
Mrs Stilton has some things 'planned' for later, most of them of a gastronomical nature, I think, and hopefully culminating with the traditional flavour-packed cake ablaze with candles. Sounds a bit like a Viking funeral, so we might have to float it out to sea instead of eating it. :-)
Thank you Squib :) We had that big fireworks display last night, so that was a nice start :)
EDIT: Please give DampSquib a loud round of applause for a very unexpected and very nice ninja gift!
And as many +1s as your mouses (mice?) will allow :-)
Thank you, Squib :-)
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Stilton

Soup Dragon.
Registered: Nov 2010
From United Kingdom
Posted November 08, 2015

EDIT: Please give DampSquib a loud round of applause for a very unexpected and very nice ninja gift!
And as many +1s as your mouses (mice?) will allow :-)
Thank you, Squib :-)
The display here was pretty good, just window gazed, it's still pretty soggy out.
Another chance to hack away at Ravenloft, hope you have a great day and your cakes big enough for all the candles :P

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 08, 2015

Thank you Squib :) We had that big fireworks display last night, so that was a nice start :)
EDIT: Please give DampSquib a loud round of applause for a very unexpected and very nice ninja gift!
And as many +1s as your mouses (mice?) will allow :-)
Thank you, Squib :-)

The display here was pretty good, just window gazed, it's still pretty soggy out.
Another chance to hack away at Ravenloft, hope you have a great day and your cakes big enough for all the candles :P
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Stilton

Insert liquor
Registered: May 2011
From Finland
Posted November 08, 2015
did i say some girl today about her having leia-hair. It was pretty good but afterfwards everything sucks. sucked.

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 08, 2015

For safety purposes, keep in mind that my account was registered in May 2009, I have (at time of writing) 768 rep and my name is not written in caps lock and has no punctuation. Also remember that I would never PM any of you asking for a game!
I've already contacted Support and will be PMing a blue in a few minutes too just to get this sorted asap.
Check the attached image to see how the scammer's name appears in chat!

closet ballerina
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom

Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted November 08, 2015

Happy birthday! I'd send you some cake...but it! Yep, that's right, my cat ate it, darn parakeets eating birthday cakes reserved for Stilton!

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 08, 2015

Happy birthday! I'd send you some cake...but it! Yep, that's right, my cat ate it, darn parakeets eating birthday cakes reserved for Stilton!
And thank you for the good wishes :-) As long as your dogs, cats, parakeets, wombats, penguins enjoyed the cake, that's good enough for me :-)
When I catch up on the thread (a little hurriedly) I see you're always deeply into playing something. What's your current game?
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Stilton

Registered: May 2009
From United States
Posted November 08, 2015

And thank you for the good wishes :-) As long as your dogs, cats, parakeets, wombats, penguins enjoyed the cake, that's good enough for me :-)
When I catch up on the thread (a little hurriedly) I see you're always deeply into playing something. What's your current game?
Currently I'm taking a small break from my current playthrough games and am playing my old Gothic 3 save file (saved just before the end game), just cleaning up some quests and doing some exploring as I've only explored what feels to be around 75% of the world despite the hundred plus hours I put into it a few years ago. Heck, I've completed well over 300 quests in it and I'm still finding new ones.
I've seen people list Skyrim's world being around 15 square miles and Gothic 3's being around 29 square miles, so yeah...lots of world to explore!
When I put Gothic 3 back down I'll get back to Shadowrun: Dragonfall as my main game, I'm furthest in it compared to my other current playthrough games.
What game are you currently into?

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted November 08, 2015

And thank you for the good wishes :-) As long as your dogs, cats, parakeets, wombats, penguins enjoyed the cake, that's good enough for me :-)
When I catch up on the thread (a little hurriedly) I see you're always deeply into playing something. What's your current game?

What game are you currently into?
I also find that I spend a lot of my GOG time in and out of the forum and by the time I get down to a game I'm too tired to give it full concentration. Too many nice people here, unfortunately, so its hard to pull away. :P
EDIT: Sorry to start a conversation and then go, but I'm dozing off here (3:10am). Hopefully I'll be more sociable a bit later on:-) Have a good evening :-)
Post edited November 08, 2015 by Stilton

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Registered: Jan 2012
From Finland
Posted November 08, 2015
Gooo! Oood! Morning! ;)
And Haap! Pyy! Biiir! Thdayy! Stilton! :)
And Haap! Pyy! Biiir! Thdayy! Stilton! :)

Registered: May 2011
From United States