EndreWhiteMane: The weather patterns are definitely changing. I'ts not like 'global warming' though, it's more like 'global buffering'.
Everywhere seems to be having more pronounced extremes, even though only briefly.
Though they didn't last long I think we've set 8 or 9 records over the past 12 months. Kinda worrying.
Here it on the whole feels like a warming. We've had exceptionally mild winters with only a little snow, spring was really warm too (and quickly, like *bang* - it's summer). And we've had another heat record (40.3°C; 104.54°F) this summer...
EndreWhiteMane: Amazing how much even a short break can help. ;)
That's really true. Break is over now, sadly :-)
Stilton: I'm good - you just reminded me that I need to get a pumpkin, if they haven't all sold out :/
All sold out here, except for a few really ugly specimen which I passed on. :-(