Posted October 30, 2015

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015
I can't imagine vasoline and pussy being a very good mix...usually shouldn't need it.

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted October 30, 2015
Tired :) otherwise good... what about you, Pimp ??
**Big Friday hugs**
j0ekerr: Trying to make a machine do math for me.
The machine has other plans though.
I'm going to buy more penny games to relax. Don't you need maths to make a machine which does maths ?... >__o
Penny games sounds better... even if I have no idea of what they are precisely... :)
**Big Friday hugs**

The machine has other plans though.
I'm going to buy more penny games to relax.
Penny games sounds better... even if I have no idea of what they are precisely... :)
Post edited October 30, 2015 by Empress_Owl

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015

**Big Friday hugs**

The machine has other plans though.
I'm going to buy more penny games to relax.

Penny games sounds better... even if I have no idea of what they are precisely... :)

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted October 30, 2015
**Pass Pimp a huge mug of coffee** Here you are !
... do you really use vaseline for that ?... it's made of petrol... I thought we mostly use it to heal severe burns or ulcers, so the bandage doesn't stick to your limb (when your skin is missing and you have no other solution)... :-\ ... not sure if it's totally harmless if you use it everyday or almost ?...
... do you really use vaseline for that ?... it's made of petrol... I thought we mostly use it to heal severe burns or ulcers, so the bandage doesn't stick to your limb (when your skin is missing and you have no other solution)... :-\ ... not sure if it's totally harmless if you use it everyday or almost ?...

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015

... do you really use vaseline for that ?... it's made of petrol... I thought we mostly use it to heal severe burns or ulcers, so the bandage doesn't stick to your limb (when your skin is missing and you have no other solution)... :-\ ... not sure if it's totally harmless if you use it everyday or almost ?...
*hugs and thanks owl for coffee.* :)
Post edited October 30, 2015 by pimpmonkey2382.313

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 30, 2015

... do you really use vaseline for that ?... it's made of petrol... I thought we mostly use it to heal severe burns or ulcers, so the bandage doesn't stick to your limb (when your skin is missing and you have no other solution)... :-\ ... not sure if it's totally harmless if you use it everyday or almost ?...
Post edited October 30, 2015 by FearfulSymmetry

Registered: Jun 2014
From Spain
Posted October 30, 2015

**Big Friday hugs**
Don't you need maths to make a machine which does maths ?... >__o
Penny games sounds better... even if I have no idea of what they are precisely... :)
Logging off now, trying to focus on finding out the correct way to type the calculation for the square of the inverse of the matrix.
Yes it's as horrible as it sounds.
Post edited October 30, 2015 by j0ekerr

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015
*wanders back into thread*
*hugs for new arrivals Owl and Fearful*
My head finally cleared up a bit after eating some food. Sometimes I forget to do that :-p
*hugs for new arrivals Owl and Fearful*
My head finally cleared up a bit after eating some food. Sometimes I forget to do that :-p

Registered: May 2011
From United States

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 30, 2015
Happy 70th birthday, Fonzie :-)
I thought he was older.
Also the 77th anniversary of the War of The Worlds radio broadcast. We always learned that it caused mass suicides, but it turns out that is BS.
[/obsessed with anniversaries] :-p
I thought he was older.
Also the 77th anniversary of the War of The Worlds radio broadcast. We always learned that it caused mass suicides, but it turns out that is BS.
[/obsessed with anniversaries] :-p
Post edited October 30, 2015 by AgentBirdnest

Registered: Jan 2012
From Finland
Posted October 30, 2015
Happy Super Game-Noir Colourless Bloody Rainbow Halloween!
Crow, I might need a few laps in that pool if you all don't mind... had a semi-fight at work (me: too much work, collegue: it's alright) that ended in impasse and "we'll see about it later" ... exhausted but happy & home... also my wife passed by me just now and said, "oh, you are so busy, busy with that" - that always cheers me up...
Crow, I might need a few laps in that pool if you all don't mind... had a semi-fight at work (me: too much work, collegue: it's alright) that ended in impasse and "we'll see about it later" ... exhausted but happy & home... also my wife passed by me just now and said, "oh, you are so busy, busy with that" - that always cheers me up...

Registered: May 2013
From France
Posted October 30, 2015

Good morning Crow, and Agent !
**Jumping happily in the new coffee pool**
How are you doing ?

I thought he was older.
Also the 77th anniversary of the War of The Worlds radio broadcast. We always learned that it caused mass suicides, but it turns out that is BS.
[/obsessed with anniversaries] :-p
I wish I was obsessed with anniversaries too... Maybe it would have avoided me to forget my friend's one a couple days ago (and the guilty feeling + the argument that followed)... >:-| pfft.

Crow, I might need a few laps in that pool if you all don't mind... had a semi-fight at work (me: too much work, collegue: it's alright) that ended in impasse and "we'll see about it later" ... exhausted but happy & home... also my wife passed by me just now and said, "oh, you are so busy, busy with that" - that always cheers me up...
Come and swim angrily in the coffee pool !! :) hopefully you'll feel better after that...
Post edited October 30, 2015 by Empress_Owl

Hardcore Farmer
Registered: Jul 2013
From Germany
Posted October 30, 2015
Hey people of the thread!!!