AgentBirdnest: Talkative and open? Never heard of it.
Here, the routine is usually this: The teacher tells you to read pages 114-127 and answer the questions. The teacher will keep their head down on their desk for the rest of class as they try to deal with a hangover. Then they will have the students grade their own papers. The only time they ever really interact with the students at all is to tell them to shut up and send some to detention. (Only about 82% of teachers. The other 18% aren't bad.)
Haha... I suppose it wouldn't be fair to be in that committee, no :-p Hopefully things are a bit better with home life these days?
Blood-sneeze was... well... I sneezed blood. The substitute teacher thought I did it on purpose (how the hell would I? o__O) I was fine, thought it was quite freaky for a minute.
Whaaaaaaat. You grade your own essays? What kind of paradise is this you speak of? And reading is something you do at home here, not in class. :P Most of my teachers are the complete opposite, both in high school and university. One of my professors is so hyperactive he's all over the classroom. He climbed up onto a windowsill that was at least eye height once, and he also messed around enough while sitting on a table to fall over, table and all. And especially in university they're constantly trying to engage you in deep conversations about everything. :P
I moved out, after which things promptly got a lot better. Had the good sense to move to the other end of the country, too. ;) Family is a lot easier to deal with when you don't have to see them all the time.
Yes, how does one sneeze blood on purpose? I guess that would require quite a lot of effort. :P Spooky, I can imagine you were a bit freaked out.
ElTerprise: Well aside from few i actually knew i usually google for them when i need them ;)
I know. But mine also has a numpad. That's an explanation...wouldn't be anything for me though...not a friend of touchpads :)
I don't have a wireless mouse so this is the only way I can operate my computer when it's hooked up to the TV. :P
AgentBirdnest: I notice that I swear a bit more often without DD and Owl here to kick my arse :-p
I'm sure Moon will report all of my cursing to them though, since she was ordered to make sure we behave. I should be careful ',',',',',:-|
I've been needing to curb my foul language quite a bit on here recently and even so I feel like I'm cursing a bit too much. :P
ElTerprise: Would "sexually emancipated" also work?
Well the human body has a lot to offer :P
Maybe ...
Oh yes. Especially in medieval monster stories. In case you don't know: women are the ickiest creatures ever. They get pregnant and all. Disgusting stuff (according to these authors). ;)