Posted October 29, 2015

Just fed the pup his breakfast, time to start some coffee. The lady gets home from her work trip late this evening, so I'm going to try to have the house all fancy-clean when she gets home. Having my parents over yesterday left Sarge completely spent. He gets so excited when he gets visitors that he runs around panting and wagging his tail and jumping on furniture and running around in circles until he just about passes out. So the day after company or visiting others is usually quite a relaxed one for him. I figure I'll take advantage of all the naps and get this place more under control... made a ton of progress a couple weeks back, but things could certainly be cleaner, by degrees.
I hope you're all having a lovely day!

I wound up watching a couple youtube videos of Rift Mages and Knight Enchanters, and I'm glad I did... I could tell the KE's would focus a bit more on melee than casting, but I didn't realize just how much. I decided to go Rift Mage myself, as I really like to cast spells (and honestly, that's likely why I always make a mage when playing an rpg that allows it... More spells means more pretty colors!) and love that the Rift Mage can have so much control over combat. I definitely agree with you about the MMO feel of the game, and the fact that there are so many seemingly pointless side-quests really doesn't help. That was one of the things that caused me to abandon the game when The Witcher 3 was released. I tried it, and even the smallest side quests felt immersive, felt like I was in the world and not just killing ten rats and returning to so-and-so.
And it certainly doesn't stand up against Dragon Age: Origins. But all things considered, I'm enjoying the hell out of it. In fact, Sarge is already napping from the sheer exhaustion brought on by breakfast, so maybe I should fire it up again to wrap up a few more quests. :)
Very impressive picture - you look very fetching as a female lead :-)