Posted October 29, 2015

Registered: Sep 2011
From Switzerland

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 29, 2015

I think I probably will get it, as I'm a fan of weird, but its aimlessness and alleged lack of point might be a downer. Its one of those you play for the ride, I think, rather than expecting much in the way of plot development.
Yep, I think you're right about that. I feel like it might be a fun experience but somehow it has ended up in my backlog rather than actually getting played. I really need to start it soon.

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 29, 2015

*big cheer up hug with even more hot chocolate*
As for the pain, it's been around for a while. I learned to live with it, now I just need to learn to live with it being a little more intense. I'm positive, which helps :-)
*epic thank you hug*
*extra huge return hug for the lovely lurking Moon in the corner* ;-)
Post edited October 29, 2015 by AgentBirdnest

You are obsolete. Delete!
Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 29, 2015
*hugs everyone* :P

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 29, 2015

As for the pain, it's been around for a while. I learned to live with it, now I just need to learn to live with it being a little more intense. I'm positive, which helps :-)
*epic thank you hug*

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 29, 2015
Congrats on the 75k post \o/

Registered: Mar 2009
From Brazil
Posted October 29, 2015

Spring : Seriously hot as pluck
Summer : Absolutely brutally hot as pluck
Autumn : Depressingly hot as pluck
Winter : Slightly less hot as pluck than usual

I haven't read everything, but I've read a fair amount. These are the ones I recall reading: Othello, Macbeth, Midsummer Night's Dream, Richard III, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet (I played in that one in high school too), King Lear, As You Like It, Merchant of Venice. So yeah, obviously I still have a ways to go, but I'm getting there, slowly. :P Of course it helps that I'm a literature student ...
I have this preconceived idea that the lack of a more direct historical connection with his works may make difficult to me to understand it.

How's life today?
Not a bad assortment of Halloween titles there, kind of....
Life is going well today.
Some odd choices for a Halloween themed promo but a good list nevertheless.
Post edited October 29, 2015 by LeoLR

Registered: May 2011
From United States
Posted October 29, 2015

Yeah, I figure I can indulge every once in a while, since I'm mostly a responsible person when it comes to food. :P My system is: you can't eat what you don't have in your cupboard, so I just avoid buying candy and such.
That works. A lot of people have the problem of just grabbing whatever, rather than controlling themselves while they shop.

How's life today?
Not a bad assortment of Halloween titles there, kind of....
Dozed off, woke up with a rib cramp and a pounding headache. Life is good. ;)
Yeah, like you said, there's some shoehorning going on there. But at least the core is composed of legitimate Halloween-type titles.
How was your day?
Post edited October 29, 2015 by CarrionCrow

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 29, 2015
LeoLR: To read Shakespeare always seemed to me a daunting task. :-)
I have this preconceived idea that the lack of a more direct historical connection with his works may make difficult to me to understand his works. Well, to be fair, it is a good idea to get a proper academic version with an introduction, footnotes and maybe some essays. That way I think you'll get all of the context. Footnotes are especially important as it's super easy to miss out on many of the jokes as the puns simply do not apply anymore with the current state of the language. Other than that, though ... Just give it a go, I'd say. Or start with a movie adaptation. Ian McKellen's Richard III is a good film that I'd definitely recommend. And I think there's a new Macbeth with Michael Fassbender coming out next year or so. Seeing a play rather than reading it is always better anyhow. It's easier to keep track of who is who and the characters and language come alive in a way that they just don't on the page. Do you have Shakespeare theatre productions near where you live? Might be worth going to one.
Hamlet is a pretty good beginner's play, I'd reckon, although I've seen it slightly too often and am getting a bit bored with it. :P Macbeth is also a nice one, and it's one of the shorter plays too.
CarrionCrow: Right. Can't reasonably expect someone to completely torch their budget for the principle of the thing. Being supportive when you can is good, but with so many items, it's not really possible to do all the time.
That works. A lot of people have the problem of just grabbing whatever, rather than controlling themselves while they shop. I do purchase a couple of games at full price, especially if they're made by smaller studios. Wadjet Eye, for instance, always gets the full price from me and I tend to pre-order their games as well. I feel like they make good games and I get the sense that they actually care about their customers. But yep, it's more of the exception than the rule for me.
Less money on food is more money on games, right? ;) Somehow it's easier not to buy everything that appeals to me than I thought it would be. Mostly because I especially like ice cream but I don't have a freezer so I just can't get it. Well, there's that problem solved. :P

I have this preconceived idea that the lack of a more direct historical connection with his works may make difficult to me to understand his works.
Hamlet is a pretty good beginner's play, I'd reckon, although I've seen it slightly too often and am getting a bit bored with it. :P Macbeth is also a nice one, and it's one of the shorter plays too.

That works. A lot of people have the problem of just grabbing whatever, rather than controlling themselves while they shop.
Less money on food is more money on games, right? ;) Somehow it's easier not to buy everything that appeals to me than I thought it would be. Mostly because I especially like ice cream but I don't have a freezer so I just can't get it. Well, there's that problem solved. :P
Post edited October 29, 2015 by FearfulSymmetry

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 29, 2015

I love to make fun of myself. I have to laugh at the sh*tty stuff, to keep myself sane That's why I'm often seen here making jokes about my crappy memory, my obsessiveness, and Mormonism :-p

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted October 29, 2015

How's life today?
Not a bad assortment of Halloween titles there, kind of....

Life is okay. I've been feeling a little bit "off" today, mostly mentally. However, as much as I love complaining (and I really love complaining. Ask my friends.) I really shouldn't be. When I look at how much my mental state has improved over the last 12 months, it is really incredible, and hard not to be positive about it. I'm not even sure what caused such a huge change in my attitude, but I'm guessing that a near-fatal medical problem last year, quitting my medication that I took for 11 years, and the lovely people of this thread all had something to do with it. Still, there are bad days. There always will be, no matter who you are and how good your life is.
While quitting my medication has been awesome, it is not without its downsides though. I was a bit "numb" while I was taking it, so now that I'm off, I'm feeling everything, and I feel it more strongly than I did even before. I am able to feel more "alive" and happy than I have in years, but at the cost of also feeling the lows more intensely. My mental, emotional, and even physical sensitivity has increased massively since being medication-free :
1) Mentally. I have to be more careful with my anxiety triggers. The slightest things can send me into a panic attack, or a depression.
2) Emotionally. Anything can make me cry. I went years without a single tear, which got to be incredibly frustrating at times. Now I'm a damn fountain, which can also be quite frustrating. I feel more deep sadness, but high highs as well, so it works out. Then again, even the sadness feels good, because I can feel it so deeply now, which I appreciate in a way; it makes me feel "human."
3) Physically. My sensitivity to pain has increased dramatically. Never in my life have I been unable to stop myself from screaming curse words into a pillow because pain is so bad. Additionally, my stomach pain has increased in frequency (this may be a withdrawal symptom that is still lingering.)
Still, it has been totally worth it to quit the medication. I feel like myself for the first time in... 14 years? If it meant having even more brutal lows and more intense pains, I'd say bring it on as long as I get to keep feeling the good shit too. I love it all. 6 months med-free (as of yesterday. Be sure to give my Guardian Owl many more +1's when you next see her for getting me this far,) and it feels good every day.
Anyway... today... Today is a day when all those new and improved sensitive feelings hit me hard - both the good and bad ones, and it throws me off a little. Cycling rapidly between really good and really bad, and getting a bit lost because of how quickly it changes. I can't really say it's been good or bad. It's been both. Overall though, I'd give it a 6.5 out of 10.
This has been a ninja-novel by A.E. Birdnest. Sorry you were the unlucky recipient of it :-)
I recall well the tail end of that more than fourteen year low you went through. That's an incredibly long time to be waiting to be you, so having downs now and then is something I feel is to be expected for a while yet. But voicing your feelings is a massive part of dealing with them, and the people here are a great sounding board for anything you feel like sharing.
Maybe redefining 'bad' is worth doing, because bad before was horribly bad, drug-cushioned bad, trapped with no way out bad. I suppose its impossible to gain any accurate perspective of things when you're using drugs extensively, but now you're in the fortunate position of being able to do it 'raw' and with growing awareness. It must have been like a kind of incarceration (grim word, sorry) and you're relearning how to live free of all of those chemicals. But you're doing it, which is amazing considering what went before :-)
And having emotional lows is absolutely normal. Even a great hulking lump like myself sheds a tear from time to time, and sometimes for the most unexpected of reasons. Personal evolution is a complex and multi-layered experience, and all the richer because of it. It can feel desperate, but it can also be amazing to realise things which before were buried under the circumstances of a former version of you. Maybe what you're feeling is the fallout from that time before, which I'd say is completely normal. I'd also say you'll get through it in time and feel generally much better.
And congratulations on six months medication free! That's an amazing achievement in itself :-)
I feel a lot of admiration for what you're doing (its easy to overlook it in the general back and forth of the forum here) but you've come a long way and you're forging ahead because you know you have to. You're a five star game, in my opinion :-)
There, a novel-length reply from T. S Stilton :-)

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted October 29, 2015
Good evening everyone *big hugs and waves* :)

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 29, 2015

I love to make fun of myself. I have to laugh at the sh*tty stuff, to keep myself sane That's why I'm often seen here making jokes about my crappy memory, my obsessiveness, and Mormonism :-p
Yep, same here. My clumsiness is especially popular. :P I like to regale people with tales of nearly setting my hair on fire and injuring my ankle on the "Cripple Street".

Darling I'm home
Registered: Mar 2012
From United Kingdom
Posted October 29, 2015

I looked at Kholat, and I feel the same - the current price is still a bit steep for something like that. And then there's the downright weird of Harvester, which is oddly tempting, but which I think would end up being a bit of an ordeal to get through due to its being too off-beat for its own good.

I think Kholat's price is fine for what it is and it's relative age. I just don't pick it up because I'm the kind of cheap bastard who mixes rubbing alcohol with water for booze. Although not being my kind of game might also have something to do it.
Too much Geralt makes Stilton think they overpaid for the franchise...
Too much Geralt makes Stilton think they overpaid for the franchise...
Too much Geralt makes Stilton think they overpaid for the franchise...
Too much Geralt makes Stilton think they overpaid for the franchise...
Here's Johnny!!

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands