Posted October 28, 2015

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted October 28, 2015
Good yes but not morning :)
How are you? *big return wug*
FearfulSymmetry: Haha yes, I know the problem. Good to hear you're doing well!
Okay, I'm officially banishing myself from this thread until I've written 500 words for my essay. Then I'll come back to check in again. :P Yes i noticed ;)
See you soon *big motivational hug*
How are you? *big return wug*

Okay, I'm officially banishing myself from this thread until I've written 500 words for my essay. Then I'll come back to check in again. :P
See you soon *big motivational hug*

Registered: Jan 2012
From Finland
Posted October 28, 2015
A-ha! I can do magic! Wished for a halloween sale and it came!
*wishes to know what to buy from the halloween sale*
How is everyone? busy, flu'd & happy? ~__^
whoops; it was 'hopes' not 'wishes' before...
*wishes to know what to buy from the halloween sale*
How is everyone? busy, flu'd & happy? ~__^
whoops; it was 'hopes' not 'wishes' before...
Post edited October 28, 2015 by superstande

closet ballerina
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted October 28, 2015

Stayed up about 3 hours late myself. Terraria again. I dunno what it is about that game... It drives me crazy @__@
*big hug*
I'm convinced there will come a day (likely once I've finished at least one of these huge rpg's) when I try Terraria, and I'm pretty sure when that day comes, it will be with another person (or other people) so that someone can show me the ropes. I tried it once but was pretty awful at it, and couldn't figure out too much of it (at least I got the impression I was only picking up on very little of it.) Maybe once I finish DA:I. :)

closet ballerina
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted October 28, 2015

I hope you have a good time with your parents!
I strongly disliked it at first, as I wasn't expecting such gamepad-focused gameplay. But as a gamepad game, it's quite fun. I've once again made it to Skyhold, and I've recently unlocked the quests to choose a class specialty. I haven't decided yet if I want to go with Knight Enchanter or Rift Mage, but I'm thinking KE with my current build would be pretty powerful. RM looks to be more fun (more fun spells, at least) but I don't think I really need more attack spells.
D:OS is a fantastic game. I can't speak for the upgraded version, but my half-playthrough of the game was some of the most fun I've had playing any rpg. Incredibly fun gameplay that encourages you to break the rules, to find new ways of handling a situation... the crafting system and playing with the teleporter pyramid alone provided hours of fun for me. It's a game I'd sometimes open up and work on quests and fight stuff, and sometimes I'd open it up and just wander around talking to people, stealing things and reading books. Good fun all around. :)

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 28, 2015
Still mornoon though :-p
Doing good here. I'm smiling, which is always a good sign.
akhliber: Not sure why, but I love the taste of coffee. In just about any form. I love cold brewed coffee, black coffee, sweetened coffee, iced coffee, coffee flavored ice cream, etc. ;)
I'm convinced there will come a day (likely once I've finished at least one of these huge rpg's) when I try Terraria, and I'm pretty sure when that day comes, it will be with another person (or other people) so that someone can show me the ropes. I tried it once but was pretty awful at it, and couldn't figure out too much of it (at least I got the impression I was only picking up on very little of it.) Maybe once I finish DA:I. :) To be fair, I've only tried it a couple times. I could give it a better chance :-p
I was totally lost with Terraria at first. I get really overwhelmed when there are lots of things to do and no instructions (Morrowind almost gave me a panic attack when I first started it.) I didn't really figure out what I should be doing until I played with a certain feathery friend. Plus, I kept the Terraria wiki open in the background, which is a great source for info.
superstande: A-ha! I can do magic! Wished for a halloween sale and it came!
*wishes to know what to buy from the halloween sale*
How is everyone? busy, flu'd & happy? ~__^
whoops; it was 'hopes' not 'wishes' before... Hey! I didn't even notice it! Not a bad sale. (I'm guessing we'll be seeing another bigger one next month.)
I've only played a few. Amnesia 1, Postal 1 and 2, Costume Quest, Witcher 1 and 2, and The Last Door. I'd recommend all of them :-) Although Postal 1 isn't really my thing. simply because I don't really like isometric shooters.
Doing good here. Hope you are too?
Doing good here. I'm smiling, which is always a good sign.

I'm convinced there will come a day (likely once I've finished at least one of these huge rpg's) when I try Terraria, and I'm pretty sure when that day comes, it will be with another person (or other people) so that someone can show me the ropes. I tried it once but was pretty awful at it, and couldn't figure out too much of it (at least I got the impression I was only picking up on very little of it.) Maybe once I finish DA:I. :)
I was totally lost with Terraria at first. I get really overwhelmed when there are lots of things to do and no instructions (Morrowind almost gave me a panic attack when I first started it.) I didn't really figure out what I should be doing until I played with a certain feathery friend. Plus, I kept the Terraria wiki open in the background, which is a great source for info.

*wishes to know what to buy from the halloween sale*
How is everyone? busy, flu'd & happy? ~__^
whoops; it was 'hopes' not 'wishes' before...
I've only played a few. Amnesia 1, Postal 1 and 2, Costume Quest, Witcher 1 and 2, and The Last Door. I'd recommend all of them :-) Although Postal 1 isn't really my thing. simply because I don't really like isometric shooters.
Doing good here. Hope you are too?
Post edited October 28, 2015 by AgentBirdnest

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: Mar 2009
From Brazil
Posted October 28, 2015
Don't mind me. Carry on. I'm just hiding here for a moment. :-)

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 28, 2015
Thanks. :P And yay, the first 500 words are down! Only 2000 to go! :P
superstande: A-ha! I can do magic! Wished for a halloween sale and it came!
*wishes to know what to buy from the halloween sale*
How is everyone? busy, flu'd & happy? ~__^
whoops; it was 'hopes' not 'wishes' before... Could you use your magical powers to get them to do another insomnia sale? ;)
akhliber: I started (and got a good 50-60 hours into) DA:I when it came out, but then when The Witcher 3 was released, I was much more excited about it, and made the mistake of "giving it a quick try." I ended up finding the new Witcher much more immersive, and I realized I hadn't been paying enough attention while playing DA:I, so I just dropped one for the other. I finally got back into it recently, and when I started up the game, I had no clue what was going on. It was difficult at first to justify starting over, as it felt like the idea of "sunk costs" alone should have called for me to continue where I left off, but I'm really glad I did. I've been enjoying reading all the lore almost more than I've been enjoying the game.
I strongly disliked it at first, as I wasn't expecting such gamepad-focused gameplay. But as a gamepad game, it's quite fun. I've once again made it to Skyhold, and I've recently unlocked the quests to choose a class specialty. I haven't decided yet if I want to go with Knight Enchanter or Rift Mage, but I'm thinking KE with my current build would be pretty powerful. RM looks to be more fun (more fun spells, at least) but I don't think I really need more attack spells.
D:OS is a fantastic game. I can't speak for the upgraded version, but my half-playthrough of the game was some of the most fun I've had playing any rpg. Incredibly fun gameplay that encourages you to break the rules, to find new ways of handling a situation... the crafting system and playing with the teleporter pyramid alone provided hours of fun for me. It's a game I'd sometimes open up and work on quests and fight stuff, and sometimes I'd open it up and just wander around talking to people, stealing things and reading books. Good fun all around. :) I hate it compared to Dragon Age: Origins. It feels like an MMO and I resent that. I don't necessarily hate MMOs (although they are not my favourite I do play a couple) but I don't want them in my single-player games. There's too much space, too many useless side quests, too little story for my taste. And yes, the abominable gamepad control and the fact that you can only have a few abilities/spells equipped at a time. All those things make me want to tear my hair out but I made it through a playthrough anyway. I do like the actual story and the characters, though, so now I'm just playing with modded/cheated saves, making me powerful enough to skip all the boring side quests and just stick to the main story. Did two more story-only playthroughs after the first one. :P I haven't tried Rift Mage, by the way, but I quite liked Knight Enchanter.
Hmm, I might need to pick Divinity up once it gets a sizeable discount, then. :)

*wishes to know what to buy from the halloween sale*
How is everyone? busy, flu'd & happy? ~__^
whoops; it was 'hopes' not 'wishes' before...

I strongly disliked it at first, as I wasn't expecting such gamepad-focused gameplay. But as a gamepad game, it's quite fun. I've once again made it to Skyhold, and I've recently unlocked the quests to choose a class specialty. I haven't decided yet if I want to go with Knight Enchanter or Rift Mage, but I'm thinking KE with my current build would be pretty powerful. RM looks to be more fun (more fun spells, at least) but I don't think I really need more attack spells.
D:OS is a fantastic game. I can't speak for the upgraded version, but my half-playthrough of the game was some of the most fun I've had playing any rpg. Incredibly fun gameplay that encourages you to break the rules, to find new ways of handling a situation... the crafting system and playing with the teleporter pyramid alone provided hours of fun for me. It's a game I'd sometimes open up and work on quests and fight stuff, and sometimes I'd open it up and just wander around talking to people, stealing things and reading books. Good fun all around. :)
Hmm, I might need to pick Divinity up once it gets a sizeable discount, then. :)
Post edited October 28, 2015 by FearfulSymmetry

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

Registered: Jan 2011
From United States
Posted October 28, 2015
.... Dammit.
Can't stop myself from starting Little Inferno again to try for an alternate ending ,',,',','',',):-\
Can't stop myself from starting Little Inferno again to try for an alternate ending ,',,',','',',):-\

Registered: May 2011
From Germany

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 28, 2015
Thanks. I reached 1000 just now. :P
It's really nasty weather over here, so bad that I had to turn my lights on even though it's only a little after three. There's a thick fog around that hasn't lifted since yesterday afternoon. Quite depressing. :P
It's really nasty weather over here, so bad that I had to turn my lights on even though it's only a little after three. There's a thick fog around that hasn't lifted since yesterday afternoon. Quite depressing. :P

Registered: May 2011
From Germany
Posted October 28, 2015

It's really nasty weather over here, so bad that I had to turn my lights on even though it's only a little after three. There's a thick fog around that hasn't lifted since yesterday afternoon. Quite depressing. :P
Sorry to hear that - shall i send you some the rather nice weather from here? ;)

The Tyger
Registered: Oct 2013
From Netherlands
Posted October 28, 2015