Stilton: Hi folks :-)
I'm pleased to say that I survived yesterday's dark night of the soul and Crow's homemade Manchurian Candidate Via Deviant Imagery Kit.
How is everyone?
CarrionCrow: Hey there. =)
Like I said, just be glad I didn't tell you the rest of it. -laughs-
How are you doing? Manage to deal with the dishwasher on no sleep all right?
Now I've had some sleep I can only conclude that it was some kind of bizarre and almost successful attempt at brainwashing. It was the kind of imagery that goes in like a blade and seeks out the reddest and most vulnerable parts, and in its way (strangely) I was pleased about it, Halloween season being that wildly freakish time when literally anything goes :-) And it almost did...
My other half is a really good person, a real gem, but she has an amazing ability to withhold information it would be far better knowing a reasonable time in advance until just before the event. Half an hour, after a long night and attendant energy depletion, is not enough time to be told to grovel around on your hands and knees reaching for inaccessible inflow and outflow pipes in corners of the kitchen that are best avoided if you want to keep from becoming radioactive. There were things down there even a warped mind like mine could hardly contemplate. They might even have been
breeding... We eventually got it done and the two lazy bastards who delivered the new one (that'll cost you extra, so will that, err, and that) only completed the uninstallation job because they had agreed to take the old one with them. They refused to plumb in the new one unless we paid them to. Incredible what passes for service these days. So I grovelled around again, this time lifted by the thought of saving money and preventing the two shits from shafting us as they wanted to.
Bed, when I got there, felt like a shallow grave, but I was grateful even for that.
AgentBirdnest: *Happy dances into the thread*
Good evenoon, everyone!
Secret Agent Man! How are you feeling today? I hope better than yesterday!