Stilton: That's probable. Its a shame they can't stay on home soil. I fear that being a part of such a big global gaming machine as the USA will take some of the cottage industry out of them and turn them into just another big wheel among dozens of others. They still have a personal touch, and it would be a shame to see it compromised because of a change in attitude. Growing is good to a point, but there is always the danger of becoming too big. There'll be more pressure to handle indie games because they are a growing force, and the 'new' release of old games is going to dry up and become a secondary concern at some point.
It's a tightrope. Too small, people aren't happy with service. Too big, it feels impersonal.
I don't think the pursuit of older games is going to dry up anytime soon, and it's not just because that's what GOG is still best known for.
Older games won't dry up because it's a comparatively very easy way for companies to make money. Not only that, but they know by this point that they can put out games that they sold at full price years or decades ago and use them as a revitalized income stream, rather than letting them sit on abandonware sites not making them a frigging dime in revenue.
New game development is expensive. Really, really, really expensive. Companies will go for the opportunity to make more money on something they have to do virtually no work on, if any at all.
They don't revamp anything, GOG does it all - the QA, the compatibility testing, the packaging with whatever program might be needed to make it work on modern gear. Companies can sit back, take their 70 percent, and depend on GOG to go through every other part of the process.
Considering how many games are being rereleased under the label of "remake" or "remastered" or whatever bullshit they need to slap on to make people think it's worth buying the same crap they bought less than 5 years ago again, and at full price, the business approach of letting someone do all the work while getting to keep most of the money and putting in no effort makes sense.