EndreWhiteMane: This is a really weird time of year to be having a huge thunderstorm. I love it. :-)
Age of Decadence or Rebel Galaxy? That is the biggest question in my life at the moment.
(It was what to have for dinner but I got that one handled.)
Both look like games I'd enjoy a lot, the AoD demo was cool, but I can't get both.
I'm not really asking for opinions, but I'd take some, just felt like typing something.
(More random thoughts here.)
Hm...tried Rebel Galaxy for a few minutes. Has an awesome Country/Rock/folk whatever soundtrack...gives me a nice Firefly vibe :).
Looks like a Privateer / Darkstar One / Freelancer type of game...but it only plays on a flat plane instead of real 3D and utilises naval style combat...(broadsides + turrets). And it recommends using a controller. And it apparently only has autosaves...hm i wonder if that is also on consoles....
Have to play some more of it but i like the bit i played :)