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Usually I keep my forum persona on at all times, like armour, however I've often thought this thread to be more therapeutic than a shrink session. Even if I've innerly derided at some point its rather hug-boxy nature, but that was due to my more cynical side flaring up out of envy. Jealousy at my selfishness not allowing me to reach that level of empathy, but I digress.

Today I woke up in the middle of the night and experienced something that while nowhere near as intense as a panic attack, I think gave me an inkling of what one might feel like. What I felt was anxiety. Like a cold hand grabbing my guts while forcing me to look back on all my past choices, and finding nothing worthwhile. It was not a pleasant feeling, to say the least. Oddly enough I kept thinking back to those first scenes in the very first chapter of breaking bad in which Walter wakes up in the middle of the night and starts exercising on that step thing that looks like a poor man's version of a treadmill.

I think I know how he felt.

So why am I telling all this? Honestly I don't know. I just felt the urge to share it with some nice people. Like I said, therapeutic.

It's almost 8 o'clock and still completely dark outside and I've been writing this on the phone for the last half hour.

And it's a brand new day.

Thanks for being there, all of you.
Post edited October 20, 2015 by j0ekerr
superstande: Happy pumpkin pre-hallowenian mornightys!
I'm excited to see Rebel Galaxy release today .. and the reviews :)
CarrionCrow: Good morning. =)

Hopefully it comes out well, rather than needing a patch or three to get it working decently.
Hello! :)
That's always possible with new games it seems... whether big or small.
The gaming culture sure could use a new release that requires zero patching to work well, to be an example to others ;)

j0ekerr: And it's a brand new day.

Thanks for being there, all of you.
Thanks for sharing! That sounds familiar :)
Maybe it's not bad to reflect upon past sometimes.
And yeah, it's a brand new day! ;)
Post edited October 20, 2015 by superstande
It happens. You can't change the old shit, so it's pointless to dwell on at length. Do whatever you need to in order to process it, get it cleared out of your head. Take the wisdom from the garbage, then move on.
j0ekerr: So why am I telling all this? Honestly I don't know. I just felt the urge to share it with some nice people. Like I said, therapeutic.
It's almost 8 o'clock and still completely dark outside and I've been writing this on the phone for the last half hour.
And it's a brand new day.
Thanks for being there, all of you.
*just giving you an extra big hug*
superstande: Hello! :)
That's always possible with new games it seems... whether big or small.
The gaming culture sure could use a new release that requires zero patching to work well, to be an example to others ;)
Not much chance of it happening. Would settle for it being required due to there being so many different system variations rather than crappy programming.
CarrionCrow: It happens. You can't change the old shit, so it's pointless to dwell on at length. Do whatever you need to in order to process it, get it cleared out of your head. Take the wisdom from the garbage, then move on.
I should cook meth.

Aaandd... I'm all armoured up again.

moonshineshadow: *just giving you an extra big hug*
Thanks, it does help :)
Post edited October 20, 2015 by j0ekerr
j0ekerr: I should cook meth.

Aaandd... I'm all armoured up again.
You saw how that story ended...
*Big morning hugs and waves!*

FearfulSymmetry: Shards of Honor/Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold. Yep, you're right about there being fewer female authors, although it has picked up in the last few decades. I'm also considering using C. J. Cherryh and Ursula K. Le Guin. There's also quite a bit of utopian/dystopian fiction that might be interesting.
I only know Ursula K. Le Guin's EarthSea (which is pretty good), but that's fantasy. Tbh, I've been out of the loop concerning recent SF/Fantasy literature for quite a while. I have trouble to read all the books of the authors I already know and love ;-)
Post edited October 20, 2015 by toxicTom
I'm off to university, maybe succeeding at something I failed before will convince me that I'm a little bit wiser now.

Shouldn't be too difficult, it's easy to be an idiot when you're young.
Post edited October 20, 2015 by j0ekerr
superstande: Hello! :)
That's always possible with new games it seems... whether big or small.
The gaming culture sure could use a new release that requires zero patching to work well, to be an example to others ;)
CarrionCrow: Not much chance of it happening. Would settle for it being required due to there being so many different system variations rather than crappy programming.
Not just that. Especially the big titles have reached an enormous complexity. It's just impossible to keep track of everything that might interact in a bad way.
toxicTom: *Big morning hugs and waves!*

FearfulSymmetry: Shards of Honor/Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold. Yep, you're right about there being fewer female authors, although it has picked up in the last few decades. I'm also considering using C. J. Cherryh and Ursula K. Le Guin. There's also quite a bit of utopian/dystopian fiction that might be interesting.
toxicTom: I only know Ursula K. Le Guin's EarthSea (which is pretty good), but that's fantasy. Tbh, I've been out of the loop concerning recent SF/Fantasy literature for quite a while. I have trouble to read all the books of the authors I already know and love ;-)
I love Ursula le Guin and C.J. Cherryh. Excellent stuff! :)
Cyteen was pure platinum, and also The Dispossessed.
Earthsea is also magnificent, also the Ghibli movie was quite alright.
Good morning, Folks !
**Big happy hugs with coffee**
I hope your Tuesday is starting great...
Empress_Owl: Good morning, Folks !
**Big happy hugs with coffee**
I hope your Tuesday is starting great...
Morning, Wings.
Going good here. Just waiting for NOLF to show up ;-p How are you this fine Tuesday?
**Bigger happier hug**
Good morning, everyone!

I hope you are all doing well today?

*big hug and silly waves*

j0ekerr: ...
I types up a (way too) long reply, but it came off as a bit too philosophical, and maybe a bit too influenced by all the stuff I have been going through lately, so I decided not to post it. So instead I will just join Moon with a comforting hug and maybe a brief summary of what I was going to post.

I guess the short version of what I was saying is that money, fame, etc. does not make a person's life worthwhile, nor do those things define a person. Being a good person and making the most of what we have in life does. People spend so long worrying about life, that they have not lived up to what society expects, that they let it all pass them by. So what if we don't become rich or become the inventor of the next big thing. That just means we are like 99.9% of everyone else on the planet. Don't let your past dictate your present and thus your future. Do what makes you happy, be a good person, enjoy life. Because life is sadly very short, very fragile, and you never know what the future will hold, good or bad. So no point in worrying too much or you will find that while you are busy worrying and lamenting what could have been, the person you could be will have passed you by. I will stop talking now, I am not that focused today and I will probably just end up rambling, which I have most likely done already. Sorry if none of what I said has been helpful, but it is nice that you felt you could share such things on here, and I am sure others are glad that you felt comfortable doing so as well.

*extra big hug*
Good Morning/Evening/BlahBlahBlah everybody. I hope you're doing swell, or not doing too badly, or at least are on the upswing!

I've once again been thrown through the grinder thanks to having to cover for other people, but I'll get over it. I'm not upset, just stressed out, but that'll pass in time I'm sure.