ddickinson: It is actually quite useful for a lot of things, but many people prefer not to know where it comes from. They like candy, but tell them it come from boiling bones and things and they tend to be put off. At least it is natural stuff and not artificial chemicals, although those are often added to candy and things anyway. :-)
I know, I was just being silly. I saw a place in London last year that had little robot spiders that moved like real spiders across the floor. They were a little too big, but they looked nice. They also had butchers selling sausages that looked like severed fingers, which was funny as my sister in law has been doing that for ages at her family butchers. They love doing silly things for Halloween, and Christmas and things like that.
Hehe yeah... eating many chemical sh*t is ok, but not boiling bones in candies... (speaking about that makes me want to eat marrow bone :-p,',',,',,' on a slice of bread, with plenty of salt and pepper... slurp)
Robot spiders ?... awesome... and so are the finger-looking sausages, haha :D sounds very funny... !!
I have to find a couple of cool ideas to make with the owlets...
LeoLR: Hello all!
I hope you had a good weekend and I wish a nice week for all of us.
**Big happy hug**
You too, LeoLR !! :))
ddickinson: *Another big motivational hug*
In fact. *big group motivational hug with Owl and Tom*
Can you all please grab an axe and beat Stilton to death with +1 hits for his evil spooky ninja gifting! Thanks DD !! **Big hug back**
A ninja gift ??... what is it ??
Empress_Owl: It can't be worse than the Killing Tomatoes series... Or the giant Moussaka attack... heehee
Stilton: A giant moussaka attack sounds terrible, but quite tasty as the same time... The only way to survive is to eat them!!
Stilton. They're GIANT. You can't eat them ! They are bigger than Godzilla...