Stilton: And now onto happier things: what are you playing at the moment? :-)
AgentBirdnest: Well then, to amend my original statement - as a bonus, I get to talk to Europe + UK more ;-)
Been playing Terraria a lot for a couple months, because it ts addicting as pluck. Just recently started Shadowrun: Dragonfall, and will probably play a good chuck of it again today. Also trying a bit of Volgarr the Viking, and failing miserably at it. Recently added SWAT3 to my rotation as well, and suck at is as well, but I'm learning (thanks again ;-)). Little Inferno has been getting some playtime every other day. And of course I can't live without a management/city building sim, which is currently Banished.
Have you been playing anything?
TypINg wun=hanDed becoZ ym eetinG on EycKreem...
Ah, finished. I've been enjoying QUBE and Plants vs Zombies, and Torchlight was charging ahead, but that's on my other machine and I can only run one at a time as I only have the one monitor. I'm getting interested in Terraria, too, so I'll probably install it when the downloads are done (not long to go now!!!)