EndreWhiteMane: What's this I hear about a 'pirate' RPG Boxer Dog man? :-)
Ixamyakxim: LOL I lied a "bit" but Rogue Galaxy looks a TON like a pirate RPG (though I think lacking a character / persona to level) set in space. But from everything I've seen it looks like the gameplay will essentially be the ship to ship combat of Assassin's Creed, done with a starship in a fairly open world.
Not exactly the later Sea Dogs games I've been hoping hoping hoping for, but I think a bit of space opera with some similar stuff might tickle my fancy nicely.
So I'm clearly missing plenty tonight, but I have to share that I read this entire post thinking you were referring to Rogue Legacy, though I have no idea why... I was sitting here thinking, "how on earth did they take that away from the game?"
Once I realized I was just reading it wrong, I was reminded that this has kind of been happening all day. ;)
Stilton: 2:20 is late/early enough.
Its been fun, as usual. Keep well and sleep well :-)
'Night all.
Good night! And I'll consider posting Halloween pics, so long as you all give me a *very* good reason to dislike you between now and then. It'll certainly be a frightening affair. ;)