FearfulSymmetry: I can imagine it must be difficult for her. And you're right, upbringing determines a large part of who we are ... but it doesn't excuse everything. :) I never get how people can be so hateful. I mean, they wouldn't like to have someone do that to them either, right? But I guess that's just one mystery I'll never understand. :P Hopefully the situation will become a bit better and they'll learn to respect you and your partner's choices.
It would also be pretty hard for you to stalk me when I haven't mentioned where exactly I'm going ... *looks around in a paranoid fashion at possible stalkers*
Haha yes, I do that too. I spent two hours in this bookstore last time. Luckily my friend loves books just as much as I do so she's only excited at the prospect of spending several hours in a store. :P And yep, sometimes books sound really good but they turn out to be terrible. Always a disappointment when that happens. Oh well, I could just put them aside I suppose, I already have too many books to read as it is ... :P
I think it should be fun. :P And Dutch dubbing is not necessarily bad, or at least it wasn't when I was a kid. Most of the Disney movies have excellent translations, for instance. Hercules is a lot funnier in Dutch than it is in English. :P Unfortunately it seems that there's less time or budget for translations/dubbings these days, so the quality goes down. And these days I tend to prefer watching stuff in English because my English has become much better. In this case it's especially important to me as I saw the first movie in English as well, and it would be weird to switch now. :P
*mega hug*
Sorry for the late reply.
You are right, they should not really want to be the same if they went through it, but I guess there must be more to it, as it happens a lot with all forms of abuse and such things. Don't get me wrong, it in no way excuses such behaviour, but after hearing what kind of environment they grew up in, I can't say I fully blame them, their father was a bigoted and judgemental person, so I guess it was bound to pass on the them as they were growing up. The sad thing in my partners mother is apparently really nice normally, but she just can't get past a few things when it comes to me. But after many years she does seem to be at least trying, but I won't hold my breath. She might not be as bad as my partners aunt, but my partners mother has still been horrible to me, and not something I can easily forget or forgive.
*wonders how Fearful missed Endre hiding in the bushes with his telescope right behind her. But then he is a master at it, how else did he get all those nurses* :-)
It is worse when the blurb at the back completely misleads you about the book, or says very little about the book and just about the author. I rarely go on cover art, as that is often misleading. Hopefully you will have lots of fun on your visit, with the books and the movie.
*awesome mega hug*
l0rdtr3k: Wanting to hug some more*more hugs*
Other than that,I'm doing good. Playing some Nethack and other dungeon crawlers to pass time.
*big hug*
I have not really played many dungeon crawlers, in fact the only one I can remember playing was Legend of Grimrock, which I played not too long ago.