ElTerprise: *big return hug*
Glad to hear that - that you're doing good not the ton of work of course ;)
Doing okay. See my reply to Crow above :)
But i'm looking forward to the new semester which *finally* starts today :)
Hooo nice :D
I hope the courses will be very interesting.
**Big get-better hug with warm water bottle and blankets**
CarrionCrow: Good thing I didn't break out the water cannons to go along with the balloons then...
Just got through reading an article about pollution that looks like fluffy foamy bits until you get anywhere near it. I didn't know toxic sewage could be so interesting in a "some moron's going to try to play in that" kinda way.
Yeah, good thing... >:-|
I don't want to get a cold...
fluffy foamy bits... I wonder which kind of pollution it is... :-\
AgentBirdnest: My stomach is being a real dickhead, but I'm quite good otherwise. Cheerful :-)
(Huh... spellcheck has no problem with "dickhead"... fascinating :-p)
Almost 0° there? I'm jealous. 19° here, at 02:27 :-|
**Big warm hug**
(What is spellcheck ?...)
Yeah, well, I'd like to trade if you don't mind... I hate being cold >:-(
**Big frozen hug back**
moonshineshadow: 19°? Sent some heat over to my place please!
*big hug*
**Ninja-woolly hug**