yes i think i get it now. well my opinion to the whole inflation vs variable speed of light is heavily influenced by the theoretical side and may include mistakes. and in case it should sound offensive than thats just because i'm not a native english speaker.
although we as mankind have the arrogance to think that we're near the end of the understanding how the universe work, it could very fast turn out that we got almost nothing and most parts of our physics are only applicable under special conditions and only in some parts of what we think is the universe (i'm assuming its not only my opinion). its like 1000 years ago where people most probably discussed about what is outside of the flat earth.
this whole discussions about the universe expands too fast, are almost 100 years old as i recall and its mostly because light spectral analysis from presumably old galaxies deliver results that aren't consistent with the applied theories and assumptions. the applied theory is a mix of classic field theory expanded with quantum theory, statistical physics and general relativity. part of the assumptions is that the universe (matter, energy and empty space inside our universe) has finite volume regarding the corresponding submanifold measure, this ensures that the universe is a closed system with conservation. and the conservation doesn't get along with the new results. its like a puzzle then in which you remove/change parts of the theory or assumptions to make it fit with the new results and then look if the theory stays consistant with other results and what conclusions that new theory delivers, be it that there is a blue drarf in every galaxy outside of our own or that the universe collapse in 5 years after gog starts drm'ing their games or that matter/energy can be faster then light speed relative to the spectator under some conditions.
what i want to say with this is: we're not that far away for a religion still. basic mechanics work on our earth for now, but already the simulation of the moon landing (if it ever happened, i doubt it but thats another topic) had to be modified with delay-differential equations instead of ordinary ones. it may sound funny, but how about regional physics, i think you get what i mean. then all the results would be seen under different view and lead to other conclusions.
i personally don't like both ideas, as the results (light spectral analysis from presumably old galaxies) that lead to the conclusions are totally unreliable, at least for me. how about we're just surrounded by black holes, if the distance is far enough, wouldn't this lead to the same results? and light as boundary for speed of matter/energy is just a cheap workaround to fit newton's mechancs with some results, i wouldn't count too much on that boundary.