NoNewTaleToTell: Yeah the economy can definitely be improved. In Returns I was only low on funds once and that was in the early game after buying starter gear (go figure). After that I was swimming in cash, to be fair I didn't buy any med stuff or the bio parts and I skipped the next to last armor upgrade in favor of waiting a mission and getting the end game armor.
How do you feel that they're handling the lore as a whole? Apparently the much vaunted decker and the clown are previously established characters in the universe and are supposed to actually be darn near demigods but end up being completely useless.
Well, I'm definitely happy that this team is far less useless than the unique characters in Returns, that's an improvement worth celebrating. You were right about Glory, with that AP+1 thing of hers, she's actually a monster in melee.
Here's the thing. In Shadowrun, once that initial barrier of trust has been passed, the vendors aren't going to give two shits about withholding things from you. They're black marketeers, weapon smugglers, back-alley doctors. They aren't going to say that you can't have certain things when you've got the money to pay for them. Not to mention, some places would possibly trade goods for services. Criminals without combat skills tend to have use for criminals with those combat skills. Makes the whole staying in business thing easier when potential robbers know they'll be killed in the attempt. (Assuming the merchants don't just have your party kill some people to set the right "don't fuck with me" mood.)
But the designers either didn't consider any of that, or wanted to keep things very simplistic.
The lore seems all right in and of itself on a larger scale. How it gets executed in the context of the game is a bit of a different story. The antagonists from Shadowrun Returns are supposed to be horrible, terrifying, intensely bad shit.
Weapons of mass destruction are used at one point to contain them. They don't work.
And the thing with the dragons. It just doesn't fit. There's no reason for run of the mill shadowrunners to be going up against them, unless they're suicidal. Dragons in Shadowrun aren't like D&D dragons, where you can run into much, much smaller ones. Every single dragon in Shadowrun is bad news if a character pisses them off.
As for the supposed legendary characters, that's part of what I mean by the execution being bad. They're legendary in the pen and paper source material. They're total fuckups in the game, their shittiness made that much worse by people proclaiming how great they're supposed to be, but aren't. Ultimately, they feel like shoehorned fan service.
Yes, they're much better overall. (Aside from Dietrich. He sucks ass all day long, generally speaking. Use his throwing knives in a big fight if you want a laugh or you're feeling masochistic at the time.) Glory was my back-up, used her more than any other character aside from the decker that I always brought along because I hate locked doors. If you can find her special mission, she can get much stronger as well.
Additional - Starting to fall asleep. Have a good night. =) -flips off your broken quick save before I go-