FearfulSymmetry: That's possible. He's suffering from an illness that means it's very hard for him to maintain a healthy weight, and he's definitely starting to get pretty skinny in his old age. I imagine it's harder for him to keep warm these days.
He's a red cat, I've attached a picture so you can see him (and our dog as well). His name is Dikkie Dik, he's named after a Dutch children's book/cartoon cat. Ironically the name means as much as "fatty fat" and his cartoon counterpart is actually fat, which is one thing our cat has never been in his life. :P
I do still play some games, but I haven't had a lot of time recently. I was thinking about playing one for a bit today, but I'm not quite sure what to play ... :P
We're happy to have you back as well! *big hug*
Did you play technobabylon already ? I can't remember... :-\