ElTerprise: Hello Crow.
Sounds like a good mix :)
aside from feeling a bit ill - i'm doing fine :)
It's good to see the Kickstarter for Battletech is still doing really good. Maybe they get all their stretch goals in the end.
Working on cutting the drugs out of the mix, so it'll be a mix of everything else plus me climbing the walls soon enough. -laughs-
Sorry to hear that. Onset of a seasonal shift cold? That tends to happen around here a lot.
Yes, it definitely is. Having to wait over a year is going to suck, but at least it should be something worth waiting for.
I wouldn't be surprised if the PVP aspect doesn't get funded. More people are focused on either co-op campaign, which isn't going to happen, or more options for the singleplayer side of things.
Can't say I blame people on that one. While I like the idea of multiplayer Battletech, my ultimate focus by far is having the best singleplayer possible to sink my teeth into.
pimpmonkey2382.313: Yay, up coughing my lungs up.
Oh yeah, that's
totally yay-worthy. Because bronchitis is always fun! (Except for feeling like you're going to literally cough up an internal organ or three.)