akhliber: It was a hassle, but nothing too bad. I'm sure it was much more annoying for my parents.. Eep, glad the nut allergy passed, those are often the most dangerous/severe.
I've actually given some more serious thought of late to a small herb garden inside, especially now that we have a puppy that would likely adore digging up anything I tried to plant in the yard. ;) And I do love to cook, so it would probably be the perfect compromise for me. Not quite the same, but I'd still get to watch things grow. :)
What do you grow in your garden? I have memories of helping my grandmother pick vegetables and peas in her garden when I was very young, and it was easily my favorite part of going to visit her as a child.
*I think a sleep window may have just opened! I may go ahead and try to jump through it before it closes again. Should I fail, I'm sure I'll be back around shortly... otherwise, I will return when I wake!
Getting to watch something grow is great, even better if you reap the rewards.
Herbs are very simple, will give a few eg's but will save you a Long list :)
I grow Basil, Sage, Mint, Parsley, Tarragon and the school fave Cress.
School is my earliest memory of growing something, cress in a eggshell if i remember correctly.
Sunflowers was next with my gran, she loved to eat them and feed them to her bird.
I grow more parsley than any other herb, it's used everyday, so do go down it quickly.
Fresh/dried both ways are good, added it to my diet as a way to help stomach problems from Meds.
It worked, so i sought out more that may help...for other issues.
More traditional veg too, tomatoes, peas etc...and flowers, lilies being a favourite.
Most garden centers and even amazon stock basic herb starter kits, usually Rosemary, Sage & Thyme.
A good place to start with low cost, usually with good instructions included.