toxicTom: Hello and good _______ (insert local time of day here)!
*Sunday hugs and waves*
I hope you're all well?
superstande: beat a long dungeon in Albion... tired & happy.
Old school gaming... no teleports for supply runs... have to go through all the floors back to outside for torches and food etc. and then back the same way to where you were :)
toxicTom: Congrats! Albion is really a nice game, and pretty unique regarding the setting. A shame that of the Amber "trilogy" the second part (Ambermoon) is Amiga-exclusive and the third was never made... They're by the same people, under the former label of Thalion, which unfortunately went under with the decline of the Amiga platform.
Hi! :)
Ah thanks... hmm... Wow! I was actually thinking there were similarities to Ambermoon... Didn't know it was by the same people.. Okay now it makes sense :)
superstande: good evening & good morning!
beat a long dungeon in Albion... tired & happy.
Old school gaming... no teleports for supply runs... have to go through all the floors back to outside for torches and food etc. and then back the same way to where you were :)
CarrionCrow: The more you mention that game, the more I'm reminded that I need to clear some things out so I can focus on it.
:) Okay, but you have been warned! :p
I'm sure it's no problem for you, though...