Stilton: It'll happen eventually. At the moment I'd be happy living in a tent in a field...
CarrionCrow: That would be bad. Very, very bad. The novelty would wear off in a matter of minutes.
The moon might work, but the commute would be a total pain in the ass.
The tent does smack of a little desperation (unlike the moon, which is of course completely plausible...)
Waiting to find your next home is SUCH a pain in the crapper. A whole year and either money, internet access, asbestos, lamebrained occupants, estate agents setting the wrong price, hyenas living next door, the commute, or anything else you care to name, seem to be conspiring completely against us. I mean, we're good people, we pay our taxes, we recycle whatever we can, we don't pick our noses or fart in public, and still we're living in limbo (no, that's not a small Somerset village.) The longer it takes the more peeved we get.
Alchemy is the solution, or alc
ohol. At the moment I don't really care which.
Stilton: I wondered what that noise was! I was looking in someone's bathroom and when I came out they looked at me in a very strange way.
Thank you for the energy, but the houses we looked at weren't right for us. Back to square one, as they say. The problem is square one feels like its been coated in glue...
superstande: Ah sorry, I may have fumbled the spell... The
Luck With Buying A House spell is dangerously close to
Summon a Minor Invisible Poltergeist with Flatulence Problems... An Adept Wizard should really look into that... Apologies! :)
Super, if you could teach me some of your spells I could make it happen tomorrow, or have a whole lot of fun instead ;-)
Flatulent poltergeists sound a lot more fun to deal with than estate agents!